
How do you write an algorithm to print even numbers from 1 to 100?

How do you write an algorithm to print even numbers from 1 to 100?

  2. Step 1: Start.
  3. Step 2: Declare variable c of integer type.
  4. Step 3: Set c=0.
  5. Step 4: Repeat step 4.1 to 4.3 while (c<=100)
  6. Step 4.1: if (c\%2 != 0)
  7. Step 4.2: then print c.
  8. Step 4.3 : c=c+1.

How do you write an algorithm to print the first n even numbers?

Following are the algorithm to print first N even numbers is given below.

  1. Step 1:Read the number of terms by the user suppose in the “n” variable as the integer type also declared the “k” variable as the integer type .
  2. Step 2: begin the for loop.
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How write an algorithm for odd or even?

Even numbers are the numbers that are divisible by 2, it starts from 0….An algorithm to find whether a given number is odd or even:

  • Step 1: Start.
  • Step 2: Taking input of a number say n.
  • Step 3: Read the number n.
  • Step 4: Check if((n\%2)==1), then.

How do you determine if an algorithm is even or odd?

Pseudocode to Find Whether a Number is Even or Odd So 6 will be stored inside variable “number”. Now the next step in algorithm (i.e number\%2==0), in this step (number\%2) returns the remainder after dividing number by 2. Now the next step (i.e. remainder==0) simply checks if the remainder value is equal to 0 or not.

How do you find first n even numbers?

The formula is: Sum of Even Numbers Formula = n(n+1) where n is the number of terms in the series.

How do you write an algorithm for sum and n numbers?

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Declare a variable n, i and sum as integer; Read number n ; for i upto n increment i by 1 and i=1 { sum=sum+i; } Print sum; Here in this Algorithm we declare 3 variables n for storing the number, i for running the for loop and sum for storing the sum. Read the number n.

How do you create an algorithm flowchart?

Example 1: Determine and Output Whether Number N is Even or Odd

  1. Step 1: Read number N.
  2. Step 2: Set remainder as N modulo 2.
  3. Step 3: If the remainder is equal to 0 then number N is even, else number N is odd.
  4. Step 4: Print output.

What is algorithm and flow chart?

Algorithms and flowcharts are different mechanisms used for designing different programs, particularly in computer programming. An algorithm is a step-by-step summary of the procedure, while on the other hand, a flowchart illustrates the steps of a program graphically.