
How does Martorell ulcer occur?

How does Martorell ulcer occur?

It is believed the ulcer results from narrowing of small blood vessels located in the skin, leading to increased resistance to blood flow, and a lack of blood supply to the skin resulting in skin death. In addition the blood vessels are unable to open up to allow an increase in blood supply.

What is the difference between venous and arterial leg ulcers?

They often form on the lower extremities, such as the legs and feet. Arterial ulcers develop as the result of damage to the arteries due to lack of blood flow to tissue. Venous ulcers develop from damage to the veins caused by an insufficient return of blood back to the heart.

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Does high blood pressure affect ulcers?

Hypertension and Wound Healing Some studies purport that patients with hypertension may experience lower rates of pressure ulcers. However, others state that hypertension reduces oxygen flow, which is essential for healing wounds.

What are the characteristics of an arterial ulcer?

Arterial ulcers are characterized by a punched-out look, usually round in shape, with well-defined, even wound margins. Arterial ulcers are often found between or on the tips of the toes, on the heels, on the outer ankle, or where there is pressure from walking or footwear.

What is marjolin’s ulcer?

Introduction. A Marjolin ulcer is a cutaneous malignancy that arises in the setting of previously injured skin, longstanding scars, and chronic wounds. Historically, Marjolin ulcers are named for French surgeon Jean Nicolas Marjolin and first described as ulcerations with dense villi arising within a burn cicatrix.

What is meleney ulcer?

Background: Meleney’s ulcer is a rare, but potentially deadly infection that often occurs in post-surgical sites. This type of ulcer has not previously been reported in the toenail after phenol matricectomy.

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How is an arterial ulcer treated?

Treatment of arterial ulcers may involve surgical intervention for angioplasty, stenting, bypass grafting and, ultimately, amputation. Pain control is an important aspect of the management of arterial ulcers. Adequate analgesia is required to manage the severe ischaemic pain often experienced with arterial ulcers.

Are arterial ulcers painful?

Arterial ulcers are often very painful, they are often on the foot, around the ankle, sometimes the lower leg. The pain from them can be worse at night, and patients hang the leg out of bed or sleep in a chair to get relief from this night pain.

Does ulcer cause back pain?

Ulcer and heartburn A peptic ulcer can cause referred pain in your back. This type of ulcer is a sore in your stomach or the small intestines. Typical symptoms include: heartburn.

Does ulcer cause chest pain?

The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is burning abdominal pain that extends from the navel to the chest, which can range from mild to severe. In some cases, the pain may wake you up at night.

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What is arterial ulcer?

Arterial wounds, also known as arterial ulcers, are painful injuries in your skin caused by poor circulation. ‌ Arterial ulcers typically happen when blood is unable to flow into the lower extremities, like the legs and feet.

Are arterial ulcers wet or dry?

Typically, the ulcer itself is small, round, and smooth, with a “punched out” appearance and well-defined borders. The wound may be shallow or deep. The wound base typically is pale, dry, necrotic, and without granulation tissue (see photograph of an arterial ulcer on the foot). You may see wet or dry gangrene.