
How does mass affect amplitude in simple harmonic motion?

How does mass affect amplitude in simple harmonic motion?

Increasing the amplitude means the mass travels more distance for one cycle. The increase in force proportionally increases the acceleration of the mass, so the mass moves through a greater distance in the same amount of time. Thus, increasing the amplitude has no net effect on the period of the oscillation.

How does increasing mass affect amplitude?

Then, a larger bob mass would shift the center of mass closer to the ideal point (and have a decreasing effect on the frequency for a given amplitude). In springs, however, the force is F=-kx so an increase in mass would increase the amplitude.

Does mass have an effect on amplitude?

Depends on how the mass is doubled. If the mass is in rest when the extra mass is added, the amplitude increases from zero to a certain value.

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What happens to amplitude when mass is doubled?

If the mass is doubled, but the amplitude is not changed, what will happen to the total energy of the system? The total energy is equal to the initial value of the elastic potential energy, which is PEs = 1/2 kA2. This does not depend on mass, so a change in mass will not affect the energy of the system.

Why does mass affect simple harmonic motion?

If the mass is doubled then the spring constant, the frequency of the oscillator, and, the amplitude of the motion also gets doubled. If the mass of a vibrating body increases, the frequency decreases. However, as the tension increases then the frequency also increases.

How does increase in mass affect the period of oscillation?

A stiffer spring with a constant mass decreases the period of oscillation. Increasing the mass increases the period of oscillation. For example, a heavy car with springs in its suspension bounces more slowly when it hits a bump than a light car with identical springs.

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How does mass affect the amplitude of a pendulum?

(Mass does not affect the pendulum’s swing. The longer the length of string, the farther the pendulum falls; and therefore, the longer the period, or back and forth swing of the pendulum. The greater the amplitude, or angle, the farther the pendulum falls; and therefore, the longer the period.)

Does the total energy change if the mass is doubled but the amplitude is not changed?

No. Because the total energy is E = 1/2kA^2, changing the mass of the object while keeping A constant has no effect on the total effect.

What would be the outcome of the experiment if we double the mass attached to the pendulum quizlet?

If you double the mass of a pendulum, the period of vibration does not change.

How does amplitude affect period?

As the amplitude of pendulum motion increases, the period lengthens, because the restoring force −mgsinθ increases more slowly than −mgθ ( sinθ≅θ−θ3/3! for small angles).

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Why does mass not affect the amplitude of a pendulum?

This means the mass can travel a greater distance at a greater speed. These attributes cancel each other, so amplitude has no effect on period. The pendulum’s inertia resists the change in direction, but it’s also the source of the restoring force. As a result, the mass cancels out too.