
How far can a Boeing 767-300 fly?

How far can a Boeing 767-300 fly?

The Boeing 767-300ER is sized between the single-aisle 757 and the larger, twin-aisle 777. The 767-300 entered service in 1988 with American Airlines. Maximum range for the 767-300ER is 5,990 nautical miles (11,070 km).

How much fuel does a 767-300 use?

A 767–300 consumes approx 6000 kgs/hr. You can broadly calculate that for carrying 186.88 MT (MTOW) it requires 72 MT of weight. SO roughly it uses about 28 MT of fuel for carrying its fuel.

How much fuel can a 767 carry?

Maximum fuel capacity is 23,980 U.S. gallons (90,770 L). The 767-300F is unable to carry ordinary Unit Load Devices.

How much cargo can a 767 300 carry?

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The 767-300ER Freighter has a MTOW of 412,000 pounds (187,000 kg) and can hold up to 24 standard 88-by-125-inch (2,200 by 3,200 mm) pallets on its main deck and up to 30 LD2 unit load devices on the lower deck, with a total cargo volume of 15,469 cubic feet (438 m3) carry approximately 58 tons of revenue payload more …

What is the range of a 757?

4,488 mi
Boeing 757/Range

How much does it cost to fill up a Boeing 767?

At the recent market price of roughly $3.85 a gallon, that means it costs about $77,000 to top off a Boeing 767. In the first half of last year, jet fuel averaged about $80 per 42-gallon barrel.

How many seats does a Boeing 767 300 have?

Boeing 767/Number of seats

How many planes does Kalitta Air have?

Conrad Kalitta is its sole owner. Kalitta Air began service in November 2000 with three Boeing 747 aircraft, and the fleet has grown to a present total of 15 Boeing 747 aircraft and 2 Boeing 767 aircraft.

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What is the range of the 737 MAX?

737 MAX 7 737 MAX 8
Seats (2-class) 138 – 153 162 – 178
Maximum seats 172 210
Range nm (km) 3,850 (7,130) 3,550 (6,570)
Length 35.56 m (116 ft 8 in) 39.52 m (129 ft 8 in)