
How far can you accurately shoot a revolver?

How far can you accurately shoot a revolver?

A 9mm-calibre Luger Parabellum round fired from a handgun travels at about 370m/s. To optimise its range, it would be fired at an angle of 45° and should cover about 2,300 metres.

How far does a 38 Special travel?

. 38 SPL 5,550 Ft. . 357 MAG 6,600 Ft.

How good is a 38 revolver?

38 Special is one of the best revolver cartridges ever made. 38 Special is most commonly used in short-barreled ‘snub nose’ revolvers such as the Ruger LCR and Smith & Wesson J-Frame. These revolvers are purpose-made for concealed carry and have features that make them ideal for self-defense.

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Can you reload 357 with 38 special dies?

Note: you may use the 38 Special die set to reload for the 357 Mag. You would have to back out the Powder Thru Expander Die, and the Bullet Seating and Crimping Die about 2 turns to compensate for the longer 357 case.

What is the best 38 special handgun?

BANG: Five Best . 38 Special Handguns for Home Defense

  • Here’s What You Need To Remember: The .
  • Ruger SP101.
  • Colt Cobra.
  • Smith & Wesson Model 10.
  • Smith & Wesson Model 442.
  • Smith & Wesson 686.

What is the effective range of a police officer’s pistol?

The average police officer, who shoots at the range once a month and has 5 years of experience will probably have an effective range under stress of approximately 20 feet with a heavy trigger snub and 50 feet

What is the effective range of a 38 Special?

The .38 Special is actually a hold over from black powder cartridges. That is why it is far larger than necessary for the powder charge it contains. “Effective” range is actually a mix of variables that can include factors individual to the shooter. But on strictly technical grounds; a .38 special cartridge travels at nominally 900 feet per second.

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Is the 38 Special a good cartridge for self defense?

Mild to shoot and deadly accurate at typical self-defense ranges, there is plenty to like about the .38 Special cartridge in and of itself. In fact, it’s among the most pleasurable to send downrange even in +P and out of small revolvers.

Is the 38 Special the most concealable revolver?

Conjuring images of hardboiled detectives in fedoras, there is still something alluring the .38 Special revolver. Particularly the snub-nosed variety. Among the most concealable of handguns and steadfast as a faithful dog, there’s peace of mind in the tried and true wheelie.