
How far do people scroll on a Web page?

How far do people scroll on a Web page?

Heatmap service provider ClickTale analyzed almost 100.000 pageviews. The result: people used the scrollbar on 76\% of the pages, with 22\% being scrolled all the way to the bottom regardless of the length of the page. That said, it’s clear that page top is still your most valuable screen estate.

Why do websites have a next page?

It’s purely for page views and to display more adds. More impressions allows the websites to charge more, make more, etc. It’s ridiculously frustrating as the end user, and any time I see a site that uses this terrible method – I hit next and move on.

Why do websites use continue reading?

Access to other content with less scrolling – ‘finishing’ the article earlier means that users who aren’t enticed by that article can see what’s next, without having to go through all that pesky content. Adding a ‘Continue Reading’ button increases chances of users seeing ads that appear after the article.

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Why do articles have read more button?

The Read More button allows designers to hide bulk content to provide users with faster access to below-article content (and hopefully less reason to abandon the site before they find relevant content). Faster page loads. For multimedia-rich content, whole page loads can be very slow.

How do I add read more to my website?

Once you have access to an existing post or have started creating a new one, you could choose the HTML option of your editor as follows:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the ‘read more’ to be ultimately displayed.
  2. Choose ‘more’ from your HTML editor.
  3. It will create a tag like this one:
  4. Edit it to ‘read more’

How do you use read more?

Adding the More Tag

  1. Start a new post.
  2. Add content to your post — text, images, etc. The Classic Editor screen.
  3. Place your cursor at the spot in the post where you want the More Tag to appear. In your toolbar, click on the “Insert Read More tag” button. You can find the More Tag button in the first row:
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Why do I aimlessly scroll?

People have a tendency to scroll through their smartphones when they are bored or fatigued – but this could just be making things worse, a new study suggests. Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to aimlessly navigate their phones at work when they are feeling disengaged.