
How is it known that an electron does not absorb more than one photon?

How is it known that an electron does not absorb more than one photon?

The electrons can not absorb more than one photon to escape from the surface, they can not therefore absorb one quanta and then another to make up the required amount – it is as if they can only embrace one quantum at a time. If the quantum absorbed is not of sufficient energy the electron can not break free.

What is the photoelectric effect How are the electrons observed?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon that occurs when light shined onto a metal surface causes the ejection of electrons from that metal. It was observed that only certain frequencies of light are able to cause the ejection of electrons.

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How does the photoelectric effect prove that light is a particle?

The photoelectric effect proves that light has particle-like activity. The photoelectric effect happens when photons are shone on metal and electrons are ejected from the surface of that metal. The electrons that are ejected are determined by the wavelength of light which determines the energy of photons.

How did considering light as photons enable scientists to explain why electrons could be emitted instantly from a metal surface?

The wave theory of light assumes that the energy of the wave is spread over the whole wavefront. It was discovered that, providing the light was above a certain frequency, electrons could escape from a metal surface instantly.

What happens to an electron when it absorbs energy?

An atom changes from a ground state to an excited state by taking on energy from its surroundings in a process called absorption. The electron absorbs the energy and jumps to a higher energy level. In the reverse process, emission, the electron returns to the ground state by releasing the extra energy it absorbed.

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When would an electron that absorbs a photon come out as a photo electron?

So we conclude that in photoelectric effect, we can observe that most electrons get scatttered into the mental by absorbing a photon. Therefore , all the electrons that absorbs a photon doesn’t come out as photoelectron . Only a few come out of mental whose energy becomes greater than the work function of mental.

What is photoelectric effect in chemistry class 11?

“The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from the surface of a metal when light of suitable frequency strikes on it, is called photoelectric effect. The emitted electrons are called photoelectrons.”

Who explained the photoelectric effect?

And increasing the frequency of the light produced electrons with higher energies, but without increasing the number produced. This became known as the photoelectric effect, and it would be understood in 1905 by a young scientist named Albert Einstein.

Why the photoelectric effect strongly favors the particle theory rather than the wave theory of light?

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Explain why the existence of a cutoff frequency in the photoelectric effect more strongly favors a particle theory rather than a wave theory of light? Increasing the intensity of the light increases the number of photons but does not increase the energy of the individual photons.

How does the photoelectric effect provide support for the wave particle duality of light explain in 1/2 sentences?

The photoelectric effect supports a particle theory of light in that it behaves like an elastic collision (one that conserves mechanical energy) between two particles, the photon of light and the electron of the metal. The minimum amount of energy needed to eject the electron is the binding energy, BE .

What happens to photon in photoelectric effect?

In the case of the photoelectric effect the photon disappears entirely and its energy shows up as kinetic energy of the emitted electron. Its energy is absorbed by the electron, it is gone.