
How is passport document verification done?

How is passport document verification done?

The verification is done by the police station under whose jurisdiction the applicant’s address falls. An officer verifies the details submitted in the application form such as the applicant’s name, age and address. This is done in person, with the officer visiting the address as mentioned in the application form.

What documents are verified for passport?

Documents required for a fresh passport

  • Photo passbook of running bank account in any public sector bank, private sector bank and regional rural banks.
  • A voter ID card.
  • Aadhaar card.
  • Electricity bill.
  • Rent agreement.
  • Driving license.
  • PAN card.
  • Landline or postpaid mobile bill.

What is physical verification in passport?

This process primarily includes physical verification of the address of the applicant, the duration of his or her stay at the place as mentioned in the application, and the applicant’s criminal antecedents, if any.

What is the process at PSK?

Apply for Passport via Online Form Submission After registering, login to the Passport Seva Portal. Fill in the required details in the form and submit. After submitting the form for fresh or reissue of Passport, click the “Pay and Schedule Appointment” link to schedule an appointment at Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).

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What are the documents required for passport verification Quora?

Proof of Date of Birth i.e. Birth Certificate, etc. Identity proof with photograph (to be verified by Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) Officials from the address proof and other documents) Proof of residence. Proof of nationality (to be verified by Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) Officials from the supporting docume.

What is the meaning of physical verification?

Physical verification is the process of comparing an organization’s official list of assets to its actual assets. By conducting this examination in person, auditors are confirming that the assets listed on an entity’s balance sheet are real.