
How is SAI International School quora?

How is SAI International School quora?

Sai International Residential School is ranked 4th best school in India as determined by Education World India School Rankings (EWISR). Not only it’s CBSE affiliated school but it is a fully residential school for students from class 5 to 12.

Who is the owner of KiiT International School?

Dr. Achyuta Samanta
KIIT International School is a fully residential, co-educational, private school located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India….

KIIT International School
Established 2006
Founder Dr. Achyuta Samanta
Chairman Mona Lisa Bal
Principal Sanjay Kumar Suar (CBSE)

Is KiiT a CBSE School?

About School KiiT International School Bhubaneswar, is a Senior Secondary School (XI-XII), affiliated to Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), International Baccalaureate (IB), Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The School is a Coed Day Cum Boarding School, with classes from Nursery to XII.

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Is Mobile allowed in Sai International School Bhubaneswar?

Sai International School is one of the most reputed international schools in India which provides top-of-the-line boarding facilities. Since it is an international school with boarding facilities, students are allowed to carry mobile phones and laptops with them in and around the hostels.

Is phone allowed in ODM hostel?

Why choose ODM’s Hostel Provision? With no-phone, electronic gadgets and strict regulations on outside visits or exposure to negative elements, the hostels provide a distraction-free environment for the students.

Is Kiit CBSE or CHSE?

KIIT Science College
Grades 11-12
Affiliation CHSE, Odisha

Is phone allowed in Sai International Hostel?