
How large does a star have to be to form a black hole when it collapses?

How large does a star have to be to form a black hole when it collapses?

So, for a star with the same mass as our Sun, the Schwarzschild radius is about 3 km, or about 2 miles. In general, stars with final masses in the range 2 to 3 solar masses are believed to ultimately collapse to a black hole.

What is the biggest quasi star?

Take UY Scuti, it is estimated at about 1,708 times the size of our Sun and is currently largest known star.

Is a quasi star bigger than the solar system?

Just 5.2 light-years away from us, there’s another star known as UY Scuti, which is 1,700 times larger than our Sun. But this quasi-star is even bigger than that. Much bigger. This massive star has a diameter of 10 billion km (6 billion m), which is more than 7,000 times the size of our Sun.

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What size star will go through supernova and become a neutron star or a black hole?

If the core is larger, it will collapse into a black hole. To turn into a neutron star, a star must start with about 7 to 20 times the mass of the Sun before the supernova. Only stars with more than 20 times the mass of the Sun will become black holes.

How large is the largest black hole?

They can fit multiple solar systems inside of them. Ton 618, the largest ultramassive black hole, appears at the very end of the video, which, at 66 billion times the mass of the Sun, is going to weigh very heavily on how we daydream about the cosmos moving forward.

How does a quasi Star form?

Formation and properties A quasi-star would result from the core of a large protostar collapsing into a black hole, where the outer layers of the protostar are massive enough to absorb the resulting burst of energy without being blown away or falling into the black hole, as occurs with modern supernovae.

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Can quasi-stars become black holes?

In a paper to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Ball and colleagues found that quasi-stars could indeed give rise to black holes with at least 1000 times the mass of the sun.

Is a quasi star bigger than Stephenson 2 18?

Size comparison of stars. A quasi-star compared to many large stars (UY Scuti is not the largest star, and even Stephenson 2-18 is actually smaller than a Quasi Star but Quasi stars are hypothetical, so they are just ideas, and likely not existent).

How big does a star have to be to become a neutron star?

Any main-sequence star with an initial mass of above 8 times the mass of the sun (8 M ☉) has the potential to produce a neutron star. As the star evolves away from the main sequence, subsequent nuclear burning produces an iron-rich core.