
How long can PPF account be extended?

How long can PPF account be extended?

Therefore, after completion of 15 years, PPF rules allow the account to be extended indefinitely in a block of five years. During the extended period, you may still make partial withdrawals and not necessarily make any contributions.

When should we file Form H for PPF extension?

What if You Choose to Extend the PPF Account Tenure?

  1. It is advised to understand whether you want to extend the tenure of the PPF account or not, that too, with or without contribution.
  2. PPF account holder needs to fill the form H in case of extending the PPF tenure within a year from the date of maturity.

What happens if PPF account is not extended?

For the extension of the PPF account, you will need to inform your bank or post office. If you don’t do it within a year, you cannot make fresh contributions. The balance will continue to earn interest until you withdraw. You can make partial withdrawal once a financial year.

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Can I extend my SBI PPF account online?

Thanks to recent lock downs and movement restrictions, SBI has enabled option to extend PPF account online. It is not mandatory to submit Form H or Form 4, which is required for PPF account extension if done in person by visiting the branch.

How can I extend my PPF account online SBI?

Extending PPF Account in SBI Online using Net Banking

  1. Login to SBI Net Banking facility by vising
  2. From the “e-Services” menu click “PPF Account Extension”.
  3. Now you should be at below screen.

How many times I can extend my PPF account?

NEW DELHI: A Public Provident Fund (PPF) matures in 15 years. But it’s not mandatory for the depositor to close the account. You can extend it indefinitely in blocks of five years.

How can I renew my mature PPF account in SBI?

A customer can extend the tenure of a Public Provident Fund (PPF) investment for a block period of 5 years beyond the maturity period by submitting Form H within one year from the date of maturity.