
How long do stitches stay in after rotator cuff surgery?

How long do stitches stay in after rotator cuff surgery?

Your sutures (stitches) will be removed about 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. Keep your bandage and your wound clean and dry.

Do rotator cuff sutures dissolve?

The stitches never dissolve. To view a video of the surgery, click here. You will wake up in the ward with your arm in a sling. Your shoulder will be reasonably numb if you have had a “block” but the “block” will wear off after which you can use the “patient controlled analgesia”.

How long do stitches stay in after shoulder surgery?

This goes away in 12 to 24 hours. You will have sutures (stitches) and a bandage on your shoulder. You may be able to take off the bandage in about 3 days, or when your doctor tells you. Your arm will also be in a sling for at least 1 week and maybe as long as 6 weeks.

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What can go wrong after rotator cuff surgery?

In general, surgery involving anesthesia, which includes rotator cuff surgery, poses a slight risk of stroke, heart attack, pneumonia, or blood clot. Damage to adjacent nerves and blood vessels. One study found that 1 to 2\% of patients going through rotator cuff surgery experience nerve damage.

Can you get nerve damage from shoulder surgery?

Nerve injuries are reported to occur in 1\% to 2\% of patients undergoing rotator cuff surgery, 1\% to 8\% of patients undergoing surgery for anterior instability, and 1\% to 4\% of patients undergoing prosthetic arthroplasty.

How do I know if my shoulder surgery failed?

Symptoms of Failed Shoulder Surgery Stiffness. Limited range of motion. Weakness. Instability.

Why does my shoulder hurt months after rotator cuff surgery?

Why am I still having symptoms after rotator cuff surgery? The most common causes of pain after rotator cuff surgery are (1) that the shoulder is still recovering from the surgery itself and (2) the shoulder has gotten stiff due to lack of movement.

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How do you know if you Retear rotator cuff?

Symptoms. A rotator cuff re-tear causes severe pain, weakness of the arm and a crackling sensation when moving the shoulder in certain positions.