
How long does it take for Robux to show up after purchase?

How long does it take for Robux to show up after purchase?

The pending time can take up to 3-7 days depending on the amount of Robux. Amounts of like 50 Robux may take up to 3 days, whereas anything above 500 or 1,000 Robux can take up to a week.

Where is my Robux from premium?

Navigate to the My Transactions page by clicking the Robux icon in the top right and clicking your Robux balance. Select how much time you want to see and select Summary for a summary or Premium Stipend to see a detailed history.

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Do you get Robux right when you buy premium?

When you are buying roblox premium you get 10\% more each time you buy robux and you will get acces to roblox economy features including buying , selling and trading items , as well increased revenue share on all sales in your games , and a monthly robux allowance.

What do I do if my Roblox premium isn’t working?

Possible Outcomes. There are several reasons a membership may not be able to renew, such as an expired or cancelled credit card or insufficient Gift Card credits. The renewing process may take a few days so please be patient. If the process takes more than 10 days, contact Customer Support via the support form.

Why is my Robux not showing up?

3) Contact your bank However, if you are unable to see the Robux that you have purchased under the Summary Tab, then you need to contact your bank. Your bank might be holding the payment for some reasons such as authentication and that can cause you to have this issue.

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Why is buying Robux not working?

Check to make sure you are logged into the correct Roblox account that made the purchase. If you are certain you are logged into the correct Roblox account, tap on the product again, but do not complete the purchase.

How long does Roblox premium take to activate?

We’ll need a month to process your Robux earned and make sure that the amount is accurate. Once we’ve finished analyzing, the Robux earned line for that day will be included in your Pending Robux.

Do you get 450 Robux when you buy premium?

ROBLOX premium is a in-app purchase on ROBLOX that gives you exclusive premium perks on roblox . . . It is only $4.99 per month! And when you purchase premium, you get 450 robux! You can also purchase it for $9.99 per month, and get 1K robux!

Do you get 450 Robux a month?

Roblox offers three different Premium monthly membership options for players. Each tier costs $4.99, $9.99, and $19.99, respectively, and offers a monthly stipend of Robux that players receive upon subscription renewal. Delivers a stipend of 450 Robux to your account every month.

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Why does Roblox premium expire?

From a Browser. Your membership will renew on the Renewal date and if it is not recurring or has been cancelled, it will expire on the Expiration date. You can cancel on our website at any time before the renewal date.

How do you see what you bought on Roblox?

All you need to do is log into Roblox in any browser. After logging in, click the Robux icon (resembling a monochromatic stop sign with a white center). It should be at the top right of your screen. You should see your current Robux value there.