
How long does it take to get a letter from someone in boot camp?

How long does it take to get a letter from someone in boot camp?

approximately 10-14 days
The first letter you receive from your recruit will be a form letter. This letter should arrive in your mail box in approximately 10-14 days after they leave.

What can you send to someone in OCS?

Many candidates enjoy receiving sports scores, newsletters, newspaper clippings, etc.: anything they would have normally kept up with at home. Family and friends are encouraged to share fun stories, summer adventures, or jokes as this keeps candidates grounded and affords a moment of escape from the stress of OCS.

Can you send food to OCS?

Contraband items (food in particular) will be stored in the contraband locker and candidates will have access to these items on weekend liberty. It is advised to not send food to candidates. Candidates are allowed to receive religious material at any point in training.

What is considered contraband at OCS?

Candidates are authorized to receive mail as soon as they arrive at OCS. Packages may include anything except those items listed as contraband. Contraband is defined as any item that is prejudicial to the good order and discipline, health, welfare, or safety of any candidate at OCS.

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Can you have a phone in OCS?

Candidates will not have access to cell phones or pay phones except on weekend liberty or for verified emergencies. Prior to being paid while at OCS, each candidate will also be required to purchase other items that they will need throughout the training cycle.

Can I bring my phone to OCS?

Are we authorized to bring cell phones? Are Candidates authorized POVs (Privately Owned Vehicles)? Yes, Candidates can bring POVs at their own expense to OCS. A parking area will be made available.

Can I sell back more than 60 days of leave?

Service members may sell back leave when they reenlist, when they extend an enlistment or when they separate from the military. You may sell back a maximum of 60 days of leave over the course of your military career. Military leave is sold back at your base pay rate and does not include any special pays or allowances.

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Can you sell use or lose leave days?

Military leave can accrue, but not indefinitely. Any days accrued beyond 60 days must be used before the end of the year it was accrued, and you cannot sell back use-or-lose leave. You can sell back a MAXIMUM of 60 leave days for your ENTIRE career, so it pays to consider your options wisely.