
How long does it take to get NSR eCard?

How long does it take to get NSR eCard?

Printing, dispatch and delivery of the cards may generally take 30-45 days time after generation of your ITPIN. If it is delayed beyond 45 days, please write to us at nsr[at]nsdl[dot]co[dot]in mentioning your ITPIN.

How do I get my NSR eCard?

Q2: How to generate NSR eCard? Ans: Kindly visit the link “Already Registered, Access your profile” on the NSR site and login with your ITPIN, Login Id and Login Password. Go to the menu “Request for – Generate NSR eCard” to view your electronic card. You can take print of the same if required.

How can I get NSR eCard in TCS?

Acknowledgement Form printed from NSR with your Passport size Photograph pasted and duly signed by you. Proof of identity – either of Employee ID card / Driving License / PAN Card/ Voter ID Card / Passport / College ID card (less than one year old) Registration fee (Rs. 400 + Applicable taxes)

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Can we register second time for NSR?

Your NSR profile is life-time permanent profile and there is no need to register a new ITPIN. If there is any change in your qualifications, employment or address same can be updated to existing NSR profile.

How can I get NSR eCard Acknowledgement?

You can access your profile by using “Complete your Registration” option on NSR website and entering your “Acknowledgement Number” issued by NSR system and Log-in password set-up by you. You can generate your NSR Acknowledgement Form. The payment mode is mentioned on the form.

What is NSR e card?

NSR issues an eCard to all registered Knowledge Professionals which has details of the registered professional i.e. NSR Registration Number (ITPIN), Name and Photograph. Upon receipt of such request a NSR card will be printed and sent to the address requested by the registered professional.

What is NSR eCard Quora?

Originally Answered: What is NSR? National skills registery(NSR) is set up amd managed by NDML on behalf of NASSCOM. NASSCOM is the trafe association of all the IT/ITes/BPO companies. It facilitates the creation and development of Fact sheet of credible permanemt and accessible info about a person/employee registered.