
How many address lines is 2MB?

How many address lines is 2MB?

Answer is 21. Now 1048576 Byte = 2^20 Byte means for 1MB we need 20 address lines. So 2MB = 2*2^20=4^20=2^21 ; means for 2MB we need 21 address lines.

How many address lines are required to addressing 1MB memory?

Required address line: “20” address lines or address bus are required to span “1MB” memory space.

How many bits are required to address 2gb memory What is the address range of this memory?

210 = 1024, so you need 10 bits to address every byte in a kilobyte. Likewise, you need 20 bits to address every byte in a megabyte, and 30 bits to address every byte in a gigabyte. 232 = 4294967296, which is the number of bytes in 4 gigabytes, so you need a 32 bit address for 4 GB of memory.

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How many address lines are required?

Address lines needed to address each memory location – Example – Networking. It means that a memory of 2048 words, where each word is 4 bits. So to address 2048 (or 2K, where K means 2^10 or 1024), you need 11 bits, so 11 address lines.

How many address lines would be required to address 64 MB directly?

→ it means 20 address lines and 16 data lines. therefore, general formula to find out ROM memory size is 2^m * n, where m is address lines and n is data lines. If static RAM or flash, the size of that memory will be 2^[number of address lines].

How many address lines are necessary to address two gigabytes of memory write all the steps followed to reach your answer?

Answer: It requires 21 address lines to address two megabytes of memory.

How many bits would you need to address a 2M 32 memory?

2M = 2 x 220 = 21 x 220 = 221 = 21 bits. 21 – [log 2 (32/32)] = 21 – [log 2 (1)] = 21 – 0 = 21 bits.

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How many address lines are required to address each memory location in 16384 * 16?

The total number of addresses in use in the system described would be 16384+16*2^4 for a total of 16640 addresses. In order to address 16640 addresses, you need an address bus with at least 15 address lines, which could address a maximum of 32768 addresses, so 16128 addresses would be unused.

How many address lines are needed to address each memory location in a memory chip?

ANSWER: 11 It means that a memory of 2048 words, where each word is 4 bits. So to address 2048 (or 2K, where K means 2^10 or 1024), you need 11 bits, so 11 address lines.