
How many CBSE schools are there in Telangana?

How many CBSE schools are there in Telangana?

Given below is the 252 Schools in Telangana affiliated to CBSE and school name similar to “*:*”. Click a school name below for more information about that school.

How many CBSE schools are there in Nagaland?

Given below is the 34 Schools in Nagaland affiliated to CBSE and school name similar to “*:*”. Click a school name below for more information about that school. 5-Assam Rifles, C/o, 99 AP.

How many CBSE schools are there in MP?

981 Schools
Given below is the 981 Schools in Madhya Pradesh affiliated to CBSE and school name similar to “*:*”. Click a school name below for more information about that school.

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How can I check my school affiliation CBSE?

To check the affiliation code of CBSE schools, visit the government’s Online School Affiliation & Monitoring System R-2.0 ( and go to the list of affiliated schools. Type in the affiliation number that the school has provided and check the affiliation certificate of the school.

How many CBSE schools are there in Andhra Pradesh?

194 Schools
Given below is the 194 Schools in Andhra Pradesh affiliated to CBSE and school name similar to “*:*”. Click a school name below for more information about that school.

How many ICSE schools are there in Nagaland?

List Of ICSE Schools In Nagaland

# School Name Phone No
2 Assam Rifles High School (03869) 272253, 272252
3 Assam Rifles Training Centre High School (03862) 09721, 09732
4 Delhi Public School – DPS Dimapur (03862) 235930
5 Don Bosco Higher Secondary School (03860) 222738, 222084

How many schools are there in Kohima?

List of Schools – (2) Schools Found

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School Name Type District
Kendriya Vidyalaya School PRIVATE KOHIMA
St Joseph’s Higher Secondary School PRIVATE KOHIMA

How many boards are there in MP?

Examination. It conducts three board examinations: the Middle School Exam for Standard VIII, High School Certificate Examination for standard X and the Higher Secondary (School) Certificate (HSC) Exam for standard XII, which is a school-leaving examination.

How many schools are in Indore?

Lately, the Madhya Pradesh government has been moving forward to enhance the school education in the state. Rs….District Wise Schools in Madhya Pradesh.

S.No. 50
District Indore
Target (No. of Schools) 1,157
Published Schools 1,151