
How many km can a Corolla last?

How many km can a Corolla last?

Conclusion : So, as long as you take care of the car, I think that it can get 500000 km without major problems. Reliability and durability don’t mean a thing if you do not maintain it properly. (( The opinion of the people may differ from year to year (of make) because there is another corolla in my home.

What is high mileage for a Toyota Corolla?

300,000 miles
As one of the most reliable sedans on the Irving market, the Toyota Corolla is not only known for its compact design and superior driveability, but it also has one of the longest vehicle lifetimes. When you adhere to the Corolla’s recommended maintenance schedule, you can expect it to last for 300,000 miles or more!

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How many Kilometres Can a Toyota last?

Although exact mileage for a vehicle varies based on the model and the care you treat it with, Toyotas regularly last for over 200,000 or even 250,000 miles. With longevity like that, it’s no wonder so many shoppers choose a Toyota for their next vehicle.

What is the highest mileage on a Toyota?

Check out these 5 high-mileage Toyotas that will make you a believer in the brand:

  1. 2003 Toyota Tundra, 424k Miles.
  2. 2001 Toyota Avalon, 500k Miles.
  3. 1971 Toyota Corolla, 610k Miles.
  4. Toyota Prius, 621k Miles.
  5. 2007 Toyota Tundra, One Million Miles.

Do Toyotas really last longer?

Toyota has a reputation for building extremely reliable vehicles that last for the long term. They tend to be at the top or very near the top of consumer surveys for reliability. This year, the automaker and its luxury division Lexus took the two top spots in this year’s Consumer Reports Annual Auto Reliability survey.

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Is a Corolla reliable?

The Toyota Corolla Reliability Rating is 4.5 out of 5.0, which ranks it 1st out of 36 for compact cars. The average annual repair cost is $362 which means it has excellent ownership costs. The severity of repairs is low while frequency of those issues is average, so major issues are uncommon for the Corolla.