
How many linguistic groups are there in India?

How many linguistic groups are there in India?

The Indian languages belong to four language families: Indo-European, Dravidian, Mon-Khmer, and Sino-Tibetan. Indo-European and Dravidian languages are used by a large majority of India’s population. The language families divide roughly into geographic groups.

Why is India called a linguistic area?

For example, India represents a classic example of linguistic area as the languages of the mainland India belonging to four different language families i.e. Indo Aryan, Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman share several linguistic traits among themselves.

What is the linguistic state?

Linguistic states are the states divided on the basis of language.It is common in a multilingual country like India where diverse languages are spoken.So, for better administration and reduction of the possibility of regional conflicts in future, states in India were carved out on linguistic basis.

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What are Hindi speakers called?

We are Indians, our country is India.” In English, simply “Hindi speakers” or more vaguely “North Indians” is used, though “North Indians” may also include Punjabis, etc. In Hindi itself also, there is no single ethnic term for all Hindi speakers beyond “Hindi-bhaashii”, i.e. “Hindi speakers”.

How many Hindi speakers are there in India?

More than one million speakers

First language speakers
Language Figure \% of total population
Hindi 528,347,193 43.63\%
English 259,678 0.02\%
Bengali 97,237,669 8.03\%

Which is the largest linguistic group in India?

The correct answer is Indo-Aryan. Indo-Aryan Group: It is a branch of the larger Indo-European group of languages which came to India with the advent of Aryans. It is the largest language group of India and around 74\% Indians speak those languages which belong to this group.

How is India a diverse country short answer?

India is a diverse country because it is the homeland to many castes ,cultures,language ,traditions etc . Moreover India has a constitution with fundamental rights stating that India is a sovereign,secular and democratic country. India accepts all different types of cultures coming their way.

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What makes India a multicultural country?

Because India is so vast and is divided in so many States, languages and religions, its culture is also much diversified. Each region possess its own local holidays and cultural differences.