
How many Litres is a 2kg fire extinguisher?

How many Litres is a 2kg fire extinguisher?

6ltr Wet Chemical, 2kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher & Fire Blanket Special Offer.

How big is a 2kg CO2 fire extinguisher?

This popular 2kg CO2 fire extinguisher is for use on electrical fires or flammable liquids. It is harmless to electrical equipment….Technical Details.

Product Code: CDFEX2S
Discharge Time: 9.4 Seconds
Operating Temperature: -30℃ – +60℃
Height: 517mm
Diameter of Cylinder: 104mm

What is the volume of a fire extinguisher?

Class 1-A extinguishers have the equivalent of 1.25 gallons of water and a 4-A has the equivalent of 5 gallons.

How long will it take to continuously discharge a 5kg CO2 fire extinguisher?


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What is the volume of a CO2 fire extinguisher?

Fire Extinguisher, CO2 (2 Litres) | Fire Extinguishers & Blankets | Safety First Aid.

What is the weight of CO2 extinguisher?


Charge CO2 Gas
Working Temperature -30° C to 55° C
Weight of one charged extinguisher 12.5 kg (approx.)
Standard Specification IS 15683:2006
Suitable for B and C Class Fire

How much CO2 is in a fire extinguisher?

An average of 5 pounds of fire extinguishing agent is contained in the carbon dioxide extinguisher.

How much does a CO2 fire extinguisher weight?

CO2 Fire Extinguishers

Type Description
15 lb CO2 Extinguisher 10B:C – ANSI/UL For use on Class B and C fires Weight: 37.75 lbs Range: 4-8 feet Discharge time: 15 seconds
20 lb CO2 Extinguisher 10B:C – ANSI/UL For use on Class B and C fires Weight: 49 lbs Range: 4-8 feet Discharge time: 20 seconds

What is the weight of CO2 fire extinguisher?