
How many maximum parallel tangents can a circle have?

How many maximum parallel tangents can a circle have?

Two parallel tangents
Two parallel tangents always lie at the end points of the diameter of the circle. We can say that a circle can have maximum two parallel tangents.

How many tangents can be parallel?

A circle can have only two tangents that are parallel to each other.

Can a circle have infinitely many parallel tangents?

So, at most a circle can only have two parallel tangents which touch the circle at the end of its diameter. Now there can be infinite such pairs of parallel tangents because there can be an infinite number of diameters that can be formed in a circle.

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How many tangents can be drawn parallel to the given tangent?

Answer: At the two ends of a diameter of a circle you can draw only two parallel tangents which will be perpendicular to the diameter. However, you can draw infinite diameters to a circle. From an external point you can draw only one tangent to a circle and you cannot draw another tangent parallel to it.

How many number of parallel tangents to a circle with a given tangent is?

Answer: Only one other tangent can be parallel to any given tangent of circle. Tangent to a circle is a line that touches the circle at exactly one point without entering the circle. Tangent is always perpendicular to the radius of the circle drawn through point of contact.

Can circles be parallel?

If you drop the “lines” requirement and use that definition, then, yes, concentric circles are “parallel” but then so are any circles that do not intersect, or any line segments that do not intersect, whatever their angular orientation, any curves that do not intersect, etc.

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How many number of tangents to a circle can be drawn which are parallel to a secant?

two tangents
There cannot be more than two tangents to a circle parallel to a given secant.

How many number of tangent to a circle can be drawn which are parallel to a secant of a circle?

2 tangents
Only 2 tangents can be parallel to a particular secant of the circle. Draw a circle and two lines parallel to a given line such that one is a tangent and the other, a secant to the circle. The maximum number of tangents to a circle which is parallel to a secant is two.

How many tangents can a circle have Mcq?

Explanation: A circle can have two parallel tangents at the most.

Is a circle within a circle parallel?

Concentric circles are parallel,too. As shown in figure, There is a big circle,Oa,Another one is small, Oc. They are concentric circles. AB is a straight line.