
How many people are most qualified OER?

How many people are most qualified OER?

The “MOST QUALIFIED” box check is limited to 24\%. What is an immature profile and a small population? An immature profile is when the senior rater has rendered five (5) or less reports for a particular grade.

How many most qualified can a senior rater give?

24 percent
Under the new system, a senior rater may rate only as many as 24 percent as being most qualified. That limit applies when those being rated are in the rank of staff sergeant through sergeant major. The expectation will be to make the rating of “highly qualified” as the “new norm,” said Sgt.

What percentage of officers can a rater give an excels rating to on their OER?

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Instead, raters will now choose from “excels,” “proficient,” “capable” and “unsatisfactory,” Mustion said. The online tool that will allow officers to rate other officers will limit the number of “excels” ratings they can offer a particular grade to less than 50 percent.

Can the rater and senior rater be the same rank?

It is my understanding that the rater and Senior Rater can be the same person but that the reviewer must be another person. If there is not a military person in the rating chain an enlisted evaluation should be reviewed by a senior NCO.

How do I Unsign Ncoer?

NCOER: The Rated Soldier’s rank and date of rank can be changed once the Rater’s overall assessment box check is “UNLOCKED”. To unlock the overall assessment, signatures must be removed and the Rater must select “UNLOCK” on step 6 of 6 within the Rater’s section.

What does top block mean army?

In a 49 percent top-block system, above average performance is defined as a function of those who are deemed above average — an officer’s ‘block’ is not a reflection of their individual performance or productivity. The top-performers are not recognized for their true accomplishments and impact.

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How do I lock my Ncoer rating?

A1. For NCOER’s, the Rater can lock and unlock his box check via EES as long as the evaluation has not been signed and the evaluation is in “Draft” or “Returned (with deduct profile)” status. If the NCOER has been signed, the signatures must be removed before the lock can be removed.

Can an e5 rate another e5?

Same rank, yes.

Can a warrant officer be a senior rater?

Correct, Warrant Officers are not authorized to senior rate.

How do I unlock my army OER?

To unlock the overall assessment, signatures must be removed and the Rater must select “UNLOCK” on step 6 of 6 within the Rater’s section. OER: The Rated Soldier’s rank and date of rank can be changed if the Rater’s overall assessment box check is “UNLOCKED”.

What happens if Ncoer is late?

The late submission and any procedural violation allows you to appeal the NCOER siting specific issues. If it has been 14 months and there is no documentation to support their comments you could argue they could not reasonably rate your performance during this time-frame as too much time has passed.

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How many types of Ncoers are there?

There are 7 types of NCOERS.