
How many people in the world are each age?

How many people in the world are each age?

The Global Age Composition

Age Group Number of People (2020) \% of Global Population
20-39 years 2.3 billion 29.9\%
40-59 years 1.8 billion 23.1\%
60-79 years 918 million 11.8\%
80-99 years 147 million 1.9\%

How many people are in the age group?

In 2020, there were approximately 938.7 thousand people who were aged 55 in the United Kingdom, the most of any age group….Population of the United Kingdom in 2020, by age.

Characteristic Estimated mid-year population

How much of the world’s population is under 18?

The current world population growth is approximately 1.09\%. People under 18 years of age made up over a quarter of the world population (29.3\%), and people age 65 and over made up less than one-tenth (7.9\%) in 2011.

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How many 18 year olds are there in the world?

The world’s total population aged 18-23 years was estimated at 720,043.6 thousand persons in 2020.

How many 15 year olds are there in the world?

In 1950, there were about 2.53 billion people living in the world and as of 2020, there were about 7.8 billion people….Proportion of selected age groups of world population in 2021, by region.

Characteristic Under 15 years Over 65 years
Africa 40\% 4\%
World 26\% 10\%

What is the average age per country?

Median age by country

Country Median age in years Population under 20 years old
United States 38.5 24.8 \%
China 38.4 23.4 \%
United Arab Emirates 38.4 18.8 \%
Ireland 37.8 27.2 \%

How many 23 year olds are there in the world?

The world’s total population aged 18-23 years was estimated at 720,043.6 thousand persons in 2020. What is population aged 18-23 years?…Total population aged 18-23 years.

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United States of America
2017 26,782.61
2018 26,560.45
2019 26,379.62
2020 26,222.04