
How many SCP Foundation are there?

How many SCP Foundation are there?

As of August 2021, articles exist for nearly 6,600 SCP objects; new articles are frequently added. The SCP Wiki contains over 4,200 short stories referred to as “Foundation Tales”.

How did the SCP Foundation start?

The SCP Foundation series originated in the “paranormal” /x/ forum of 4chan, where the first special containment procedure, SCP-173, was posted in 2007. Many other special containment procedures were created shortly after, inspired by SCP-173.

Who is the boss of the SCP?

The SCP-Foundation is led by the Overseer Council, also known as the O5-Council.

What is the difference between scp-008 and Xenomorphs?

Edit 2: on the other hand, SCP-008 is only Euclid, and it’s far more infectious than Xenomorphs. Outside of testing, eggs shall only be directly handled by remotely operated robotic manipulators, and for storage they shall be kept in individual hermetically sealed containers of >2cm thick steel.

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Is “Xenomorph XX121” Keter?

Using the Locked Box Test, as shown on the SCP Wiki, we can determine that “Xenomorph XX121” would most likely be classified as Keter, due to it’s unpredictable nature and acidic blood, which would easily chew through any containment cell. Containment, however, could be relatively simple, though costly.

Is it safe to activate an alien SCP?

Classifying an SCP as Safe, however, does not mean that handling or activating it does not pose a threat. The Alien has no supernatural capabilities, and individual Xenomorphs can be outwitted by a small child and controlled by competent use of pre-industrial weapons systems such as Greek Fire. An acid-proof hold

What is the goal of each round of the Xenomorph Hunt?

Note: The Foundation’s goal in each round is only to secure and contain the xenomorphs, NOT destroy all instances of them. Round One: While exploring a new planetoid that has been discovered in the solar system, unmanned Foundation drone KV19-3c discovers signs of a xenomorph presence.