
How many seats are there in SLS Hyderabad?

How many seats are there in SLS Hyderabad?

SLS Hyderabad offers five-year integrated LLB and LLM programme at the UG and PG level, respectively….SLS Hyderabad Seat Intake 2021.

Course Seat Intake
BA LLB 120
LLM 10

Do waitlisted students get accepted in symbiosis?

Yes. You have fair chance to convert.

Is 40 a good score in slat?

Expected SLAT cut off 2021 SLS Hyderabad’s cut off can be around 38-40. Candidates with a score 40+ should expect a call letter from SLS Hyderabad.

Why choose SLS Hyderabad?

SLS, Hyderabad is cocooned in the upcoming educational zone with state of art infrastructure catering to the impending needs of student community, with a motto to impart social justice and aims to create socially sensitized lawyers with a noble commitment to enrich the quality of Bar & Bench.

Is SLS Pune an slat participating Institute?

SLS Noida, SLS Hyderabad and SLS Nagpur were added later as SLAT participating institutes with the Nagpur campus being the recent addition. Apart from SLS Pune, all remaining participants of SLAT offer BA LLB, BBA LLB and one year LLM courses.

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What is the reservation policy of SLS Noida for slat 2021?

SLS Noida offers 5\% reservation in the name of wards of serving and retired defence, that is also in addition to the general reservation policy of SLAT 2021 participating colleges. Question: How many colleges will participate in SLAT 2021?

What are the dates of SLS Hyderabad 2020?

IMPORTANT DATES RELATED TO SLS, HYDERABAD. Details Date; Online Registration Starts (SLAT and SLSHyderabad) 22nd January 2020. SLAT Registration and Payment Closes. 20th May 2020 . SLAT Admit Card will be available from. July 7, 2020 (Tentative) SLAT Exam