
How many seeds can I get from a weed plant?

How many seeds can I get from a weed plant?

Unfortunately, there is no exact answer to how many seeds can a weed plant produce. The exact amount of seeds a weed plant can produce depends on how long the cannabis plant was pollinated for. Nowadays in places like Amsterdam, the weed has been harvested with a technique called sinsemilla, or no seeds.

How many can a weed plant produce?

Under perfect, outdoor conditions, you can expect yields to extend to 500 grams or 17.5 oz per plant. Space is a necessity (at least two meters) along with water, nutrients, and a dearth of pests and diseases. If you use containers, they should be at least 50 liters or 15 gallons in size.

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Do weed plants give you seeds?

No, it’s actually the flowering buds of the marijuana plant that get you high. When the plant is preparing to flower, thus allowing itself to germinate and spread its seeds so as to propagate itself, it creates these small bunches of buds – known as a cola – that are the beginnings of the flower buds.

Do female weed plants give seeds?

Seeds. Seeds are produced in female cannabis plants and carry the genetics of a male and female.

How long does weed seeds last?

While seeds of most annual weedy grasses die after two or three years, scientists have discovered that some broadleaf weed seeds can remain viable for many decades. One of the most famous experiments illustrating the longevity of weed seeds dates back to 1879.

How much does a weed plant Yield Indoor?

With all that said about indoor plant yields, home growers who grow marijuana plants indoors in grow tents may yield from 1 – 5 ounces per cannabis plant, with a sweet spot of 2 – 4 ounces per plant.

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How can you tell if a weed seed is male or female?

Male plants will have small pollen sacs for the purpose of spreading seeds while the female plant will have stigmas, which catch the pollen that male plants spread. It is best to identify the sex of the plant before the plant’s reproduction cycle become active.

Do you want male or female weed plant?

For the most part, the average home grower wants female cannabis plants. The ladies are the ones that produce the fattest, most resinous and most potent flowers – aka buds. Male cannabis plants are only desirable if someone wants to breed cannabis and save seeds (which is a whole other topic for another day).

How do you know when a weed seed is good to grow?

But, how can you tell the age of a weed seed? Simply use the sensation of touch. Place the seed between your thumb and index finger and give it a squeeze. Young and healthy seeds will feel firm, and won’t give in to the pressure.

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Can I harvest half my weed plant?

To answer your question—yes, you can cut the mature buds from the top of the plant and clear the branches and leaves to allow better light penetration to the lower portion of the plant. And the lower buds will continue to grow and ripen and can be harvested a week or two later.