
How much current can a AA supply?

How much current can a AA supply?

A typical alkaline or NiMH battery in the standard “AA” size has about 2000 to 3000 mAh (or 2 to 3 Ah). With a cell voltage of 1.2 V to 1.5V, this corresponds to 2 to 4 Wh per cell.

How many mAh is a alkaline AA battery?

For example AA alkaline batteries typically have a capacity rating of over 2,500 mAh and AA NiMH batteries have rated capacities of only 1,200 to 2,000 mAh. But when it comes to actually powering an electronic device like a digital camera, the NiMH batteries will often run the device for three or four times a long.

How much power is in a AA battery?

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about 3.9 watt-hours
A typical AA battery contains about 3.9 watt-hours, or 0.0039 kilowatt-hours, which is plenty of energy to keep your small flashlight bulb lit for hours before you have to change the batteries.

How many amps is a 9 volt battery?

A standard 9V battery has about 400-600 mAh capacity. In the most basic terms, these batteries can supply about 500 milliamps for one hour before being “dead”.

How many amps is in a 12 volt battery?

Even though most car batteries are only 6 or 12 volts, a 12-volt battery can produce as much as 600 amps. Amperage can be thought of as the volume of electricity that’s generated, but voltage can be thought of as the “pressure” of the electricity.

How many milliamps is a AA battery?

How many amps does a Duracell AA battery have?

Summary of tests, see discharge curves below
Size Brand Amp-hours at 500 mA Discharge Rate
AA Alkaline Radio Shack Enercell Plus 1.31 AH
AA Alkaline Duracell Coppertop 1.30 AH
AA Alkaline Energizer Titanium 1.84 AH
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How many mAh is a AA alkaline battery?

2,500 mAh
For example AA alkaline batteries typically have a capacity rating of over 2,500 mAh and AA NiMH batteries have rated capacities of only 1,200 to 2,000 mAh. But when it comes to actually powering an electronic device like a digital camera, the NiMH batteries will often run the device for three or four times a long.