
How much do doctors earn in Rwanda?

How much do doctors earn in Rwanda?

Rwanda – Currently, doctors earn a minimum of Rwf350,000 ($531) with the highest paid getting Rwf900,000 ($1,500) monthly.

What is a good salary in Rwanda?

RWF 147,111 per month (US$160) The Anker Living Wage Reference Value for 2020 for rural Rwanda is RWF 147,111 per month (USD 160). This is the wage required for workers to be able to afford a basic but decent living standard in a typical rural area of Rwanda.

Can foreign doctors work in Rwanda?

The Rwanda Medical and Dental Council requires that Volunteers Foreign Physicians (General Practitioners or Consultant) seeking medical Registration/Temporally License not exceeding one (01) month to submit the following documents to Secretariat of Rwanda Medical and Dental Council: 1. Relevant Application Form 2.

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Which African country pays doctors well?

Kenyan doctors will remain the highest paid in East Africa, after signing a return-to-work formula that will see them get an additional $560 to $700 a month in the form of a risk allowance backdated to January this year.

Which country pays doctor highest?

1: Luxembourg. A surprise winner – Luxembourg tops the list! A small nation with just above six-hundred-thousand, Luxembourg offers a cultural mix between its neighbours Germany and France. This is reflected in the three official languages; German, French and the national language of Luxembourgish.

How many doctors are there in Rwanda?

1,350 physicians
Including physician specialists and general practitioners, there were 1,350 physicians in Rwanda in 2018, which translates to 1 doctor per 8,919 population—below the Fourth Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP IV) national target of 1 doctor per 7,000 population by 2024 (MOH, 2018a,b).

What is the Rwandan currency?

Rwandan franc

How much do doctors earn in Lesotho?

Maseru, Lesotho Jobs by Salary

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Job Title Range Average
Job Title:High School Teacher Range:R0 – R0 (Estimated *) Average:R36,000
Security Officer Range:R0 – R0 (Estimated *) Average:R38,892
Pharmacist Range:R0 – R0 (Estimated *) Average:R150,000
Physician / Doctor, Internal Medicine Range:R0 – R0 (Estimated *) Average:R270,000