
How much do pig farmers make in India?

How much do pig farmers make in India?

A pig weighing one quintal can be sold at ₹11,000 to ₹12,000. We spend ₹7,000 to ₹8,000 on rearing it over six months and earn around ₹4,000 from a single animal,” said Nirmal, who is Class 12 pass.

Which breed of pig is most profitable in India?

The best pig breeds for commercial pig farming are Large White Yorkshire, Hampshire, Landrace, and Ghangaru. The large white Yorkshire is the top breed for meat production. An adult boar (male) can weigh up to 350 to 400 kg where an adult sow can weigh up to 250 to 300 kg. They are excellent for cross-breeding.

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Is pig farming a good investment?

A 10\% ROI is paid every quarter which means you get your ROI 4 times in a year. The pig farm is their most secured Agribusiness investment as it is insured with LeadWay Assurance Limited. This is definitely a great opportunity to invest as you earn up to 20\% ROI in 4 months when you invest #50,000 (per slot).

How many pigs are profitable?

Depending on the climate and terrain, the stocking rate is between 10 to 50 pigs or five to 10 larger sows per acre. Because feed accounts for about three-fourths of the cost to raise hogs, careful control of feed costs is necessary to make a profit.

Which breed of pig is most profitable?

According to, the pig breed that’s most profitable is the Berkshire. This is followed by Chester Whites and Durocs.

How much does it cost to run a pig farm?

So, how much does it cost to start a pig farm? You could spend anywhere from $500 to $10,000 to start a small free-range farm. Large-scale farms could require up to $2 million to get going.

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Why is piggery business profitable?

One of the advantages of the piggery business is its fast return on investment. Quick turnover is due to the short interval between raising and harvesting. One can expect to sell a pig after raising it for five months. They have good feed-to-meat conversion.

Is there money in raising pigs?

Pigs in the U. S. can generate a profit of around $300- $400 per head, depending on the quality of the animal and if sold for breeding stock or meat. There is a good demand for the meat both in its natural form and when it has been processed. Unprocessed meat can be sold for $2.50 to $3.50 per pound.