
How much does a Hemtt wheel weigh?

How much does a Hemtt wheel weigh?

M1120 LHS: LHS 26,000 pounds (including flat rack)

How much does a Hemtt wrecker weigh?

AdvertisementM984 HEMTT Truck, Wrecker, 10 ton, Recovery, 8×8 w/winch

Length: 392 in
Vehicle curb weight: 50,900 lbs
Max speed: 57 mph
Cruising range: 300 mi
Maximum grade: 60\% with payload of 22,000 lbs

How much does a military wrecker weigh?

M816 Wrecker

Truck, Medium wrecker, 5 Ton, 6×6, M816
Produced 1970-1980s
Mass 35,050 lb (15,900 kg)
Length 356 in (9.04 m)

How much does a Hemtt cost?

The cost of a ‘plain’ HEMTT (M977 or M985) begins at approximately $135,000. The HEMTT A3 is a technology demonstrator with hybrid powerplant.

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How many tons is a Hemtt?

The 10×10 Logistic Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) is the United States Marines Corp’s (USMC) equivalent to the U.S. Army’s 8×8 HEMTT and 10×10 Palletized Load System (PLS)….Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck.

Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT)
Payload capacity rated at 10 short tons (9,100 kg)

How many gallons does a Hemtt hold?

2,500 gallons
The Oshkosh Defense® HEMTT A4 fuel servicing truck, or tanker, is specifically designed to transport 2,500 gallons (9464 L) of gas, diesel or jet fuel to Forward-Arming and Refueling Points (FARP).

How long is a Hemtt?

Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck

Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT)
Mass 42,500 lb (19,300 kg) unladen; 69,000 lb (31,000 kg) laden (a-kit); 75,500 lb (34,200 kg) laden (b-kit); 109,000 lb (49,000 kg) (GCWR)
Length 409 in (10.4 m)
Width 96 in (2.4 m)
Height 118 in (3.0 m) (over spare tire)

What motor does a Hemtt have?

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MTU Detroit diesel engine
Each HEMTT has an MTU Detroit diesel engine that generates 445hp, along with Allison 4500SP / five-speed automatic transmission and an Oshkosh 55,000 / two-speed transfer case.

How many tons is a HEMTT?

Can you buy a HEMTT?

Oshkosh HEMTT Though there aren’t any up for grabs at the moment, these babies cost anywhere between $1,500 and $54,000 on a government vehicle auction site called GovPlanet. The price typically depends on how tricked out of a truck you’re looking to buy.

What kind of truck is a HEMTT truck?

The Heavy Expanded Mobility Transport Truck is an 8 x 8 diesel off-road tactical truck used by the US Army. Nicknamed “Dragon Wagon,” the HEMTT first went into service with the Army in 1985, replacing the M520 Goer trucks. More than 13,000 HEMTTs are in service today.

What are the dimensions of a HEMTT?

The basic HEMTT models are 33.4ft long, 8ft wide, and 9.3ft high. The gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWR) of the vehicles range from 62,000lbs to 95,000lbs.

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What is the maximum speed of a HEMTT?

They can carry payloads of 13t and reach maximum speeds of 100km/h. Each HEMTT can carry two people. The M977 A2 electric power plant (EPP) variant is equipped with an electrical power plant mounted on the back of the chassis, which is longer than the chassis found on the standard version.

What does the HEMTT do?

The HEMTT’s primary mission is to deliver high tonnages of supplies (all classes) to combat and combat support units across all tactical mobility levels as far forward as mission, enemy, troops, terrain, and time and civil considerations allow. Continue to produce and field ESP HEMTTs to Active Army, National Guard, Reserve and Preposition Stocks.