
How much does post-tensioning cost?

How much does post-tensioning cost?

The cost for post tension cables is estimated at $1.65 per pound.

Is PT slab expensive?

High strength concrete is necessary in the post tension slab as material offers high resistance in shear and tension. the R.C.C Flat Slab construction is Rs. 39,15,751 /- and the cost of steel & tendons required for PT Slab construction is Rs. 34,45,148 /-.

Is post tension cheaper than rebar?

COST: The perception by the public that post tension is a cheap alternative to rebar is 100\% true! Everywhere in the US where post tension is familiar, available, and used without negative perception/reception, it results is a lower cost to construct the foundations.

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What are the disadvantages of Post-Tensioning?


  • Since many tendons or steel cables are used in a Post-tensioned structure, there are high chances of corrosion,
  • Skilled labour is required.
  • If the post-tensioned structure is not laid as per the standards, it may cause accidents due to poor workmanship.

Is post tension slab more expensive?

Post-tensioned concrete will usually be more expensive for the home builder, due to the extra equipment needed. However, in large structures, post-tensioning can actually be less costly than conventional concrete slabs.

How much more does a post tension slab cost?

Generally speaking the perception is that a post tensioned sport court is more expensive than a cast in place slab. So we dug into it and got some installed numbers. What we learned is that they are virtually the same price at about $4.50-5.00 per square foot when the cast in place slab has rebar at 18″ centers.

How much more is a post tension slab?

What is the advantage of a post tension slab?

It reduces or eliminates shrinkage cracking-therefore no joints, or fewer joints, are needed. Cracks that do form are held tightly together. It allows slabs and other structural members to be thinner. It allows us to build slabs on expansive or soft soils.

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Are post tensioned slabs safe?

Hazards of Post-Tensioned Slabs: Once the concrete is poured and sets, the cables are tensioned. Once tensioned, the cables cannot be de-tensioned. The hazard exists when workers cut into the slab and rupture the tensioned cable. Do NOT cut into a post tensioned slab if there is a chance you will rupture a cable.

How much does it cost for a 10×10 concrete slab?

To pour a typical 10×10 concrete slab will cost $670 to $930, a 12×12 slab for a patio will cost $796 to $1,476, a 20×24 driveway slab runs between $1,440 and $3,360, and a 24×24 slab for a garage will cost $3,058 to $5,944. Get free estimates from concrete companies near you.