
How much is a taxi from Aqaba to Petra?

How much is a taxi from Aqaba to Petra?

Aqaba to Petra Taxi A taxi from Aqaba to Petra is likely about 50JD one way and 90JD if you want the taxi to wait and take you back at the end of the day.

How do I get to Dead Sea from Aqaba?

The Dead Sea coastline stretches for about 31 miles (50 km), but from Aqaba to the northernmost point is a 170-mile (273 km) trip. It’s three hours by car and you’ll take Route 65 the whole way, typically with a private transfer or taxi. Taking a bus is the least preferred choice and can take double the amount of time.

How many days are enough to visit Petra Jordan?

In order to really appreciate its size and splendours, it is recommended to spend at least two days at Petra. This will allow you not only to take in the major sites such as the Treasury, Monastery and Royal Tombs, but also to explore the less popular trails at your leisure.

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How much is a taxi from Wadi Rum to Aqaba?

A taxi transfer from Wadi Rum to Aqaba city costs 25 JOD per car (fits up to 4 guests). The drive takes about 1 hour. If you want to go to Tala Bay or South Beach, the transfer costs 30 JOD per car. And 35 JOD per car is the fare for a transfer from Wadi Rum to Aqaba airport.

How do I get from Aqaba to Petra?

The bus departs from Aqaba at 8.30am and returns to Aqaba from the Petra Visitors Center at 4 pm each day. The journey takes just under two hours and costs 12JD (17USD) one way or 20JD (30USD) for a return ticket. Alternatively, visitors can take the local bus from Aqaba to Petra for a very small fee.

Is Aqaba expensive?

A vacation to Aqaba for one week usually costs around JOD504 for one person. So, a trip to Aqaba for two people costs around JOD1,008 for one week. A trip for two weeks for two people costs JOD2,016 in Aqaba.

Which is better Aqaba or Dead Sea?

Both, They are non comparable. The dead sea is an experience you wouldn’t want to miss where as Aqaba is leisure. You can relax somewhat at the dead sea but in Aqaba the snorkeling and diving are fantastic.

How many days do you need in Aqaba?

3 days its enough to relax in aqapa snorkelling and diving and do all the activities and drink and enjoy.

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Is there a bus from Wadi Rum to Petra?

You can also take the early morning Petra bus. The bus can also be taken from Wadi Rum to Petra. It departs Wadi Rum at 8.30-09.00 am, arrives Wadi Musa 10.30-11.00 am: 7 JD p.p. If you need to use this bus let us know on arrival so we can make sure to bring you back to the village on time to catch it.

Is Aqaba close to Petra?

The ideal way to travel the 78 miles (125 km) between Petra and Aqaba is by car. The fastest route, via Kings Highway and Desert Highway, takes two hours. It’s possible to rent a car in Jordan and its major highways are safe and navigable.

Is Aqaba safe for tourists?

There are NO safety issues involved in travelling to Aqaba or to Jordan in general. Believe it or not, Jordan is a much safer country than the USA!

Can you drink alcohol in Aqaba?

As alcohol is forbidden under Islam, finding alcohol can prove difficult in smaller towns and villages. Most markets and small cafes across the country will not serve alcohol. In the cities of Amman, Aqaba, and Madaba visitors will find a number of bars that cater to international visitors and serve a range of alcohol.

How do I get to Petra from Aqaba?

The best way to book trips from Aqaba to Petra is to visit the JETT Bus office in Aqaba. The office has English speaking staff who will answer questions and arrange bus tickets. The bus departs from Aqaba at 8.30am and returns to Aqaba from the Petra Visitors Center at 4 pm each day.

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How to get from Amman to Petra by bus?

As Petra is a world-renowned tourist destination, Jordan operates an excellent bus network which connects visitors from the cities of Amman and Aqaba. The JETT Bus is a tourist-friendly company with a website where visitors can view schedules. The best way to book trips from Aqaba to Petra is to visit the JETT Bus office in Aqaba.

Where is the best place to visit Petra?

With the King Hussein International Airport located just a short drive from the city, Aqaba is a good base for visitors who wish to take a day trip to Petra. Aqaba is the perfect base to join an organized tour to Petra.

How to get from Wadi Musa to Petra?

Here is some info on getting from Wadi Musa to Petra if your hotel is uptown. It also provides info on how local taxis and drivers work in the area. There are also local coaster busses that will take you from Aqaba to Petra. They will drop you in Wadi Musa bus station which is a 15 minute walk downhill to the site.