
How much soda should a 10 year old drink?

How much soda should a 10 year old drink?

For kids without a weight problem, one sweetened beverage per day — as part of a well-balanced diet — is fine, says Sarah Krieger, RD, LD, MPH, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. “If children are maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, and are active, one soda is OK.”

Can kids drink soda everyday?

Soda is okay every now and then — not every day. Ideally, soda should not be a regular part of any child’s diet. Sugary sodas not only contain tons of “empty calories,” but many contain caffeine, which can affect kids’ behavior and sleep patterns.

How much soda is too much for a kid?

Children ages 2 to 18 should sip no more than 8 ounces of sugar-sweetened drinks over a seven-day period, the American Heart Association says in new recommendations published Monday in the journal, Circulation. These syrupy sips include sodas, sports and energy drinks, fruit-flavored waters and sweetened teas.

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Does soda stunt your growth?

One thing caffeine does not do, it does not stunt your growth. Scientists once worried that caffeine would hurt your growth, but that’s not supported by the research. Again, not a good reason to drink soda though. So again, most kids get their caffeine from sodas.

What age can you drink coffee?

Major health organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest that children under the age of 12 years should not eat or drink any caffeine-containing foods or drinks. For children older than 12 years, caffeine intake should fall in the range of no more than 85 to 100 milligrams per day.

Is it OK to drink 5 year old soda?

Carbonated soft drinks or sodas are not perishable, and are safe past the date stamped on the container. For best quality, consume unopened diet sodas within 3 months after the date expires; regular sodas within 9 months. After opening, sodas may be safely stored in the pantry or refrigerator.

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Is it bad to drink flat soda?

Yes. Drinking flat soda is actually healthier than drinking carbonated soda. Flat soda eliminates the gas and carbonation that come with fizzy sodas. You can think of drinking flat soda as if you were drinking fruit juice or any non-carbonated liquid.