
How old is Teddy Lupin?

How old is Teddy Lupin?

Teddy Lupin is born in the same year as the Battle of Hogwarts. The epilogue of this book takes place 19 years after the Battle. That would make Teddy 19 years old.

Is Teddy Lupin a boy or girl?

Teddy was sorted into Hufflepuff House, the same House as his mother, Nymphadora Tonks. Ted is the only known canon Hufflepuff Head boy.

How is Lupin described?

Personality and traits. Remus was compassionate, intelligent, tolerant, levelheaded, peaceful, selfless, brave, kind, and good-natured. Despite having suffered a great deal of prejudice in his life due to his lycanthropy, he managed to retain an ability to see the good in almost everybody and was extremely forgiving.

Is Teddy Lupin Harry’s godson?

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Teddy Lupin is the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. He is a Metamorphmagus like his mother (DH25, BLC). He was named for his grandfather Ted Tonks, and is the godson of Harry Potter (DH25).

Are Teddy and Victoire related?

Both Victoire and Teddy Lupin have mothers with unique traits related to their physical appearances — Fleur Delacour has Veela blood, and Nymphadora Tonks was a Metamorphmagus. Victoire and Teddy are fourth cousins once removed as they are both distant descendants of Phineas Nigellus Black.

Who killed Teddy Lupin?

Lupin, played in the films by David Thewlis, was murdered in the battle by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov, while Tonks was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, leaving their son, Teddy, an orphan.

Does Victoire marry Teddy?

Teddy is a metamorphigus like his mother ,much to the releif of his werewolf father. Teddy and Victoire go on to get married at the Burrow by the lake and the Tree house. Two years later the pair goes on to have their second daughter Jocelynn Lupin who is also a metemorphigus like her father and grandmother.

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What Hogwarts house is Victoire Weasley in?

Victoire Weasley
Biographical information
House Gryfindor
Loyalty Weasley family Delacour family Prewett family

How is Teddy Lupin related to the Weasleys?

Keeping that in mind, Teddy and Victoire are related because Molly Weasley is the grandmother of Victoire, and Molly’s Uncle Ignatius is the cousin of Andromeda Black’s (Teddy’s grandmother) father, Cygnus.

Is Victoire Weasley a veela?

Victoire Weasley (b. 2 May, early 2000s) was a part-veela witch and the eldest child of Bill and Fleur Weasley (née Delacour). She has two younger siblings, Dominique and Louis Weasley.