
How ore minerals are deposits are created?

How ore minerals are deposits are created?

Deposits of minerals form when a medium that contains and transports mineral-making ore releases and deposits the ore. When magma or lava cools, the magma and ore carried within it crystallize to form tiny minerals in the newly-created igneous rock. Minerals found in such rock might include feldspar or mica.

How do the rocks that form from molten rock reaches the surface?

The most familiar way for magma to escape, or extrude, to Earth’s surface is through lava. Lava eruptions can be “fire fountains” of liquid rock or thick, slow-moving rivers of molten material. Lava cools to form volcanic rock as well as volcanic glass.

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How ore minerals are found in underground mining?

In underground mining, ores are removed from deep within the earth. Miners blast tunnels into the rock to reach the ore deposits. This process can lead to accidents that trap miners underground. Along with accidents, a career in mining can also be dangerous since it can lead to health problems.

Why are minerals mined only in those regions where they occur in the form of ores?

Ores are rocks which contain concentrations of valuable minerals. They are mineral deposits which contain enough minerals to be mined for profit. Minerals are mined only in those regions where they occur in the form of ores because the cost of extraction is very high.

What are rocks having large deposits of ore minerals called?

Answer: Rock that contains important minerals is called an ore. Explanation: The concentration of valuable minerals in an ore may be high or low.

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What process is used to form sedimentary rocks?

The most important geological processes that lead to the creation of sedimentary rocks are erosion, weathering, dissolution, precipitation, and lithification. Erosion and weathering transform boulders and even mountains into sediments, such as sand or mud. Dissolution is a form of weathering—chemical weathering.

What is molten rock above the earth’s surface called?

Molten rock that reaches Earth’s surface is called lava. An igneous rock is classified on the basis of its mineral composition and the size of its mineral crystals. A rock formed from magma can have the same composition as a rock formed from lava.

How do mineral deposits get underground?

Large tabular-shaped ore bodies or ore bodies lying more than 1,000 feet (300 m) below the surface are generally mined underground as well. The rock is drilled and blasted, then moved to the surface by truck, belt conveyor, or elevator.

Which type of mining creates big hole in the ground from which the ore is mined?

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Open-pit mining, also known as opencast mining, is a surface mining technique that extracts minerals from an open pit in the ground. Open-pit mining is the most common method used throughout the world for mineral mining and does not require extractive methods or tunnels.

How did minerals influence the history of human civilization?

Ancient human civilizations have largely been determined by the use of minerals For example- Stone age, Bronze age and iron age. The phase of industrilization is characterized by the use of minerals which contributed to such a change. Energy needs in the present scenerio determines much of the countries interaction.

What are the factors to consider in locating ore deposits?

To find a mineral deposit, geologists study the geology of a lot of places. They then go to a spot where that type of mineral deposit could be found. They test the properties of the soil and rocks. They look at the chemistry and the physical properties.