
Is 82 NTA score good?

Is 82 NTA score good?

No it is impossible to get NIT college at 82 percentile NTA score because it is very low score it means that only 82\% students are behind you so suppose there are 10 lakh students appeared for the exams send your rank would be around 180000 so it is impossible to get in NIT college at 180000 rank your rank must be …

Is 82 percentile good in JEE mains?

So with 82 percentile, you hold very good chance to qualify JEE main 2021 being from obc.

What is the percentile of 82 marks?

but for approximation the marks for 82 percentile will be around 85 – 105 in the batch for an example.

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What is the meaning of 82 percentile in JEE mains?

Hi student, Your percentile is 82. It means 82\% students of the Total students appeared for the Exam are Behind you. Therefore Your calculated Approximate rank is 157404.

What is the rank of 82 percentile in JEE Mains 2021?

With 82 percentile in JEE Mains, your rank in the open rank list would be around 180000. Also, your rank in the EWS category list would be around 20000 to 25000. The cutoff for JEE Advanced in JEE Mains is expected to be around 78 percentile, so you are eligible for JEE Advanced.

How is 82 percentile in JEE mains?

If you have got 82 percentile in the JEE Mains Examination 2020, then your marks secured out of 300 will be approximately around 60 – 63 marks. The NTA normalizes these marks by normalization procedure and then, gives percentile as result of students.

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What is final NTA score?

NTA score is used to determine the merit list of JEE main exam. If a candidate has appeared in more than one session of JEE main, the best of the NTA scores will be considered for preparation of all India ranking. Overall merit will be prepared by merging NTA scores of all shifts of all days.

What is the maximum NTA score?

Basically the marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees. session will get the same Percentile of 100 which is desirable. The marks obtained in between the highest and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles.