
Is a whale a producer or consumer?

Is a whale a producer or consumer?

In the example above, phytoplankton are the primary producers, zooplankton are primary consumers, small fish are secondary consumers, porpoises are tertiary consumers and orca whales are quaternary consumers.

Is a whale at the top of the food chain?

The orca, or killer whale is at the top of the marine food chain. In spite of the fact that they are called “killer whales,” orcas are actually dolphins. Orcas have 4-inch long teeth that they use to feast on other ocean animals, which can include seals, sea lions, sharks, seabirds, fish, and even whales.

Is a whale a decomposer?

Whale carcasses take decades to fully decompose and can provide food for an entire ecosystem on the dark depths of the ocean floor.

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Is a whale a carnivore?

Cetaceans, or dolphins and whales, evolved from artiodactyls, which were terrestrial animals that fed on plants. Whales, however, are carnivorous. Even baleen whales that are filter feeders consume small fish and crustaceans, digesting another large carbohydrate, chitin, from the ‘shells’ of their prey.

What do whales eat?

All of them feed on krill, but sometimes include other sea creatures in their diets, such as copepod crustaceans and small fish. Humpback and Bryde’s whales also actively hunt for small schooling fish such as herring and anchovies.

What type of consumer is a whale?

Secondary consumers include fish, whales and the friendly basking, and whale sharks. They are the animals in the middle of the food chain. they eat plankton, shrimp and mollusks, which are primary consumers (see: primary consumers).

Are whales consumers?

What part of the food chain are Blue Whale?

A predator is an animal that eats another animals. The blue whale is a predator to krill. Apex predator: The apex predator is the predator at the top of the food chain.

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Is Whale herbivorous?

Whales are not herbivores but there are relatively few herbivorous animals in the sea. Of note, the biggest whales are all baleen whales; these whales do not have to be agile predators, they eat mostly krill that they don’t need to chase down.

Is Whale a vegetarian?

No, whales are not herbivores, they are carnivores. Although whales do not eat the same meats as land animals they are known to consume fish, squid, octopus and other types of foods that are considered carnivorous foods.

How do whales eat food?

Baleen whales feed by filtering or straining food from the water. These whales swim slowly with their huge mouths open to take in large amounts of water and food. They then push the water out past their baleen plates and the food gets trapped inside to then swallow.