
Is Andover better than Exeter?

Is Andover better than Exeter?

This year, Andover dropped from first place to third place on Niche’s “2020 Best Private High Schools in America” ranking. While it is currently sitting behind Phillips Exeter Academy in first and St. Mark’s School of Texas in second, Andover held the first place position for the past four years.

Are Andover and Exeter rivals?

The Exeter-Andover rivalry (also known as the Andover-Exeter rivalry) is an academic and athletic rivalry between Phillips Exeter Academy (Exeter) and Phillips Academy (Andover) and, bearing many similarities of tradition and practice (as well as athletes) to the Harvard–Yale rivalry as Exeter traditionally educated …

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What is the acceptance rate for Andover?

It’s not easy to gain acceptance to Phillips Academy, the Andover, Massachusetts boarding school pegged as the best high school in America. Of the more than 3,000 applications it receives each year, Andover only accepts 13\%, dashing the hopes of many students vying for a slot.

What does Phillips Exeter look for?

Exeter is looking for skilled students with advanced communication skills. With a 5:1 student to faculty ratio, Exeter requires students with strong relationships with both peers and adults.

Is it hard to get into Andover?

It’s not easy to gain acceptance to Phillips Academy, the Andover, Massachusetts boarding school pegged as the best high school in America. Of the more than 3,000 applications it receives each year, Andover only accepts 13\%, dashing the hopes of many students vying for a slot.

Are Phillips Academy Andover and Exeter related?

Andover is the older of the two Phillips Academies, which are independent of each other. Phillips Exeter Academy, located in Exeter, New Hampshire, was founded three years later by Samuel Phillips’s uncle, John Phillips.

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What is the acceptance rate at Phillips Exeter?

Despite Phillips Exeter Academy’s title as the No. 1 most elite boarding school for the second year in a row, it comes in at No. 8 on this list with a 19\% acceptance rate, tied with Milton Academy. The Groton School, the No.

What are the chances of being admitted off the waitlist?

The truth is your chances of being admitted in off the waitlist can be pretty slim depending on the college you’re waiting to hear from. However, it’s not unheard of.

What happens if you are waitlisted or deferred from admission?

Remember that if you have been waitlisted or deferred, you have not been denied admission. It’s as if you have been asked to stay in the waiting room a little longer, pending an ultimate decision. As with any waiting period, use the time wisely.

Can you find out if a school has a waitlist?

If you are placed on a waitlist, you can usually find out if the school has gone to their waitlist in the past and if so, how many students they admitted from the waitlist. In some cases, your chances of eventually getting in are very good; at other colleges, waitlisted applicants are almost never admitted.

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What is the difference between a waitlist and a deferral?

The answer depends on a number of factors. Waitlists and deferrals are two different things, but they share some similarities. While neither is an outright rejection, they both mean you will have to wait longer to see if you will be admitted.