
Is Apache Tomcat a HTTP server?

Is Apache Tomcat a HTTP server?

Apache Tomcat server: Apache Tomcat is a web container. It allows the users to run Servlet and JAVA Server Pages that are based on the web-applications. It can be used as the HTTP server. It can be used as separate product with its own internal Web-server.

What is the difference between Apache Tomcat and HTTP server?

Key difference between Tomcat and the Apache HTTP Server the Apache HTTP Server, but the fundamental difference is that Tomcat provides dynamic content by employing Java-based logic, while the Apache web server’s primary purpose is to simply serve up static content such as HTML, images, audio and text.

What is the use of Apache HTTP server?

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As a Web server, Apache is responsible for accepting directory (HTTP) requests from Internet users and sending them their desired information in the form of files and Web pages. Much of the Web’s software and code is designed to work along with Apache’s features.

Does Apache need Java?

3 Answers. Apache HTTPD is not a Java application server. If you want to run a Java application, you need Tomcat, or another application server like JBoss or GlassFish.

What Apache is used for?

Apache is the most commonly used Web server on Linux systems. Web servers are used to serve Web pages requested by client computers. Clients typically request and view Web pages using Web browser applications such as Firefox, Opera, Chromium, or Internet Explorer.

How does Apache Web server work?

The way Apache HTTP server works is that it will accept requests from the web browser, such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and turn programming scripts into web pages which contents are visible by the visitors. You can install a WordPress website on an Apache web server without any customization.

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What is HTTP server used for?

A HTTP or web server processes requests via HTTP, a network protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web (WWW). The main function of a HTTP server is to store, process and deliver web pages to clients.

Do I need Apache for PHP?

PHP isn’t a web server, it’s a scripting language. Since you do need a web server, as you say, Apache is rather necessary, yes. (Caveat, asterisk: PHP ships with a development web server, and you can write a web server in PHP, but both are bad ideas in production.)