
Is attendance compulsory in MIT WPU?

Is attendance compulsory in MIT WPU?

The student must maintain a minimum attendance of 80\% per trimester after catering for all exigencies including illness, sports and any other requirement. The student must maintain good conduct, behavior, and discipline as per the disciplinary norms of the University.

Can you fail at MIT?

The way it works is pretty simple: for your first semester at MIT, you get grades in all your classes, but the only thing that shows up on your transcript at the end of the semester is either a P, or NR. One thing I’ve learned after a year at MIT is that the standards for failing are so, so, incredibly low.

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Is MIT first year pass fail?

Basically, first term freshman year at MIT, you are only graded in a pass/fail fashion — if you get an A, B, or C in a class, it gets recorded on your transcript merely as a “P”. If you get a D or an F, the class doesn’t get recorded on your transcript — it’s as if you never took the class.

Is attendance compulsory in Harvard?

Harvard Ends Compulsory Attendance To Make Upper Classes More Independent – The New York Times.

Does MIT have attendance policy?

Dependable attendance and punctuality are expected of all employees. If problems arise relating to an employee’s attendance or punctuality, the supervisor or manager should not delay in taking corrective action.

What is a passing grade MIT?

Fall and IAP terms P (passing) indicates a C- or better performance. No Record (NR) indicates a D or F. Instructors still submit standard letter grades online to the Registrar’s Office. These “hidden” grades are available on WebSIS and used for advising purposes only.

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Why is MIT pass fail?

Prior to the 2002-03 academic year, all freshmen at MIT received “hidden” grades in both semesters of their freshman year. In a pass-fail grading system, students receive a “pass” if they meet a defined minimum level of performance and a “fail” if they do not (Guskey and Bailey, 2001).

How do I drop a class at MIT?

Email [email protected] the request including your name, course, day and time. Do not show up to the first class. By not showing up on day one, the instructor will automatically drop students from the course and allow those on the waitlist to take any openings.

What percentage is an A at MIT?

Expect to get scores in the 2–4 range.

Exceptional (see below) 5 (100\%) A+
Superb 4.8 (96\%) A
Excellent 4.6 (92\%) A–
Very Good 4.4 (88\%) B+

Is attendance compulsory in Stanford?

Generally speaking, you are expected to attend all class meetings for your courses. For example, in foreign language classes attendance at every class is mandatory, and unexcused absences may result in a final grade penalty. Too many absences might even make it impossible to pass the course at all.

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Can anyone go to Harvard?

Anyone can go to Harvard. You shouldn’t worry about the cost because Harvard has lots of money. It offers very generous financial aid to students from low-income, middle class, and even upper-middle class families. Only the very rich pay full-fare.