
Is diametrical the opposite of diagonal?

Is diametrical the opposite of diagonal?

As adjectives the difference between diagonal and diametrical. is that diagonal is (geometry) joining two nonadjacent vertices (of a polygon or polyhedron) while diametrical is of or pertaining to a diagonal or diameter.

Is diagonal the same as opposite?

As adjectives the difference between diagonal and opposite is that diagonal is (geometry) joining two nonadjacent vertices (of a polygon or polyhedron) while opposite is located directly across from something else, or from each other.

What’s another word for diagonal?

What is another word for diagonal?

crossways crosswise
diagonally aslant
over angular
horizontally transversely
sideways sideling

What is diagonally opposite in rectangle?

When it is not given in the question that in which direction the person is facing, then we assume it facing the North direction. A is diagonally opposite directions to Q and B is diagonally opposite to P.

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What does opposite corner mean?

adj. 1 situated or being on the other side or at each side of something between.

Whats the meaning of diagonally?

/daɪˈæɡ. ən. əl.i/ in a straight and sloping way that is not horizontal or vertical, for example joining two opposite corners of a square or other flat shape with four sides: It’s quickest if you cut diagonally across the park.

What is diametrically opposite?

Definition of diametrically opposite : completely different They grew up in diametrically opposite environments.

Who sits diagonally opposite of B?

A is diagonally opposite to Q and B is diagonally opposite to P. Example 1: P, Q, R, S and T are sitting in a line facing West. P and Q are sitting together. R is sitting at south end and S is sitting at North end.

Which pair is sitting diagonally opposite to each other?

Amit and Umran or Amit and Bharani.