
Is Diet Coke a neurotoxin?

Is Diet Coke a neurotoxin?

Although Diet Coke has a strong association with sport and health, it is actually a worrying mixture of neurotoxic and potentially carcinogenic high intensity sweeteners (aspartame and acesulfame K), tooth and bone destroying acids (phosphoric acid) and DNA damaging colourings (sulphite ammonia caramel), as well as …

Is it true that diet soda is worse than regular?

“Findings from a variety of studies show that routine consumption of diet sodas, even one per day, can be connected to higher likelihood of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and high blood pressure, in addition to contributing to weight gain,” Swithers said in a press release.

How does diet coke affect the brain?

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A 2012 study suggests that diet soda may change how the brain responds to sweet flavors by affecting dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure, motivation, and reward. Frequently drinking diet soda might cause a person to crave more sweets, including both sweet snacks and more soda.

Does aspartame affect your brain?

The consumption of aspartame, unlike dietary protein, can elevate the levels of phenylalanine and aspartic acid in the brain. These compounds can inhibit the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which are known regulators of neurophysiological activity.

Does aspartame buildup in the body?

If the person consumes this substance, the body doesn’t digest it properly, and it can accumulate. High levels may result in brain damage. The FDA urges people with this condition to monitor their intake of phenylalanine from aspartame and other sources.

Does Diet Coke have aspartame?

Yes. Diet Coke in our bottles and cans is sweetened with aspartame. We also offer Diet Coke sweetened with SPLENDA®.

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What is aspartame and is it bad for You?

Aspartame is a popular artificial sweetener found in diet sodas, processed foods labeled “sugar-free,” and those little blue packages that go by the brand names Equal or NutraSweet. Aspartame is bad news for your brain, no matter what you call it.

Do artificial sweeteners like aspartame cause weight gain?

Sure, artificial sweeteners like aspartame are technically zero calories, but will soda cause weight gain or lose stomach fat is the real question. Researchers theorize artificial sweeteners in diet drinks trigger the sweetness receptors in the brain preparing it for an influx of calories ( 7 ).

Is diet soda really that bad for You?

Life can already feel hard giving up your daily soda and it’ll be heartbreaking to hear drinking diet soda can be almost just as bad. Belly fat isn’t only not physically unappealing, but it can also mean some serious health problems for you.

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What is the difference between aspartame and milk?

Milk contains eight times more phenylalanine than aspartame, meaning your morning bowl of Fiber One cereal — which carries the chemical too — isn’t likely bringing you down. Aside from milk and cereals, aspartame is also found in some types of chewing gums, nutritional bars, yogurts and other foods.