
Is flashing red and blue lights illegal?

Is flashing red and blue lights illegal?

Generally speaking, red and blue strobe lights, when a vehicle is on a public road, are only legal on fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances. This is because these two colors are associated with emergency situations.

Can civilians use red and blue lights?

Emergency strobe lights are typically red or blue and are largely not allowed for civilian use. There are few exceptions to this rule; however, the general expectation is to not appear to impersonate law enforcement. Substantial fines may be incurred for violations of these laws.

Can I have blue flashing lights on my car?

First and foremost, emergency strobe lights that are either red or blue are, by and large, disallowed. There are some exceptions, but the general spirit of the law is that civilian vehicles should not appear to have the same features as those of police.

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Can you run red lights in an emergency?

Originally Answered: Is it legal to run red lights if I am taking someone to the emergency room? No, it is not legal and also not a good idea. The potential for injury or damage to others on the roadways supersedes the intentions of the “good samaritan” who is driving.

What does it mean when a cop flashes red lights?

an immediate emergency
When a squad car is flashing a red light, it is signifying that there is an immediate emergency. However, when a blue light is used (which can be easily spotted from a farther distance) it is meant to alert the presence of police. This allows the lights to turn, for the purpose of enabling a 360-degree angle.

Why do some police use red lights?

Police officers don’t have time to wait for their eyes to adjust to darkness so using a red interior light saves them crucial seconds. It takes around 30 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust to darkness and, for police officers and other emergency responders, that is 30 minutes too long.