
Is hyperlexia a learning disability?

Is hyperlexia a learning disability?

Hyperlexia can be the opposite of dyslexia, a learning disability characterized by having difficulty reading and spelling. However, unlike children with hyperlexia, dyslexic children can normally understand what they are reading and have good communication skills.

Is Hyperlexia genetic?

Descriptive data are presented, and the relationship of symptomatology in hyperlexia and dyslexia is described and discussed. It is suggested that hyperlexia may represent a point of convergence of several genetically-linked developmental disorders.

Why can my child read but not write?

All young kids have some difficulty when it comes to writing or perfecting penmanship. But if your child’s handwriting is consistently distorted or unclear, that may be caused by a learning disability called dysgraphia. This is a nervous system problem that affects the fine motor skills needed to write.

What is the difference between dyslexia and Hyperlexia?

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Dyslexia implies that a child is struggling to learn the basic principles of reading, despite being formally exposed. Hyperlexia means that a child has learned to read intuitively with little to no formal training.

Are Hyperlexic kids gifted?

Hyperlexic children are intelli- gent, often highly-gifted individ- uals. They have an intense curiosity and interest in learn- ing. Older hyperlexic children may often be highly verbal and obviously academically gifted.

Do children outgrow Hyperlexia?

In the meantime a cautious differential diagnostic approach, along with careful, watchful observation over time is advised especially when early reading or late speaking are the presenting symptoms. Those children who are in the hyperlexia 3 group do not “outgrow” their autism.

Can you be dyslexic and Hyperlexic?

The relationship of hyperlexia and dyslexia has never been investigated, although suggestions have been made that the two conditions may be related.

How do you teach a child with Hyperlexia?

Help for Hyperlexia:

  1. Use a visual organizer to help the child recall the important information in the story and organize it appropriately.
  2. Use social stories to help children understand the emotions of the characters and different perspectives.
  3. Comic strips are great ways to show perspective.
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