
Is IGNOU BSc degree valuable?

Is IGNOU BSc degree valuable?

Competitive & Compatible: BSc program of IGNOU is a well structured program and its no way inferior to BSc from any other University in India or abroad. Highly Rated: When we consider MBA from IGNOU, the Indira Gandhi National Open University is a highly top rated University for Distance Mode Education. …

Can we do BSc from Sol?

Answer: As per DU SOL courses, no programmes in the science stream will be offered.

Is Sol part of DU?

The School of Open Learning (SOL) is a constituent college of the University of Delhi. It was established in 1962,and offers programmes in humanities, social sciences and commerce.

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Is Ignou good or sol?

It’s obvious, IGNOU VS SOL, in terms of courses available, ignou has a higher stand. The examination center of SOL is in Delhi itself and it can not cross Delhi’s boundaries while IGNOU has examination centers all across the country. Even some centers are outside of the nation as well.

What is the difference between IGNOU Sol and Du Sol?

DU SOL is a more commonly known place for students and has an easier education structure but IGNOU is a more student friendly place as it systematically carries out the checking of exam papers and provides the students with better results than DU SOL. Moreover, IGNOU also gives additional internal marks for assignments.

Is du or IGNOU better for regular course?

Although both DU and IGNOU are good and reputed universities of India. However, for the sake of comparison aspirants can go through the below mentioned list of pros and cons of joining either of the university for a regular course.

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What are the courses offered at IGNOU?

IGNOU offers both regular and distance learning courses. Further, The University offers 250+ Bachelor, Master, Diploma, Certificate, and diploma programs. Moreover, The programs offered at the University are based on students’ needs analysis.

Is the study material offered by du good enough?

The study material offered as part of DU courses is adequate but students need to rely more on self-study while pursuing any course. Depending on the course pursued by candidates the fee varies at IGNOU.