
Is India wasting money on technology and space exploration rather than spending on the welfare of people?

Is India wasting money on technology and space exploration rather than spending on the welfare of people?

India is not wasting money but making a massive investment. This investment has paid off as the Indian Space Research Organisation, or Isro, has had many countries hiring its facilities to launch their own satellites. Hence, there is no way that expenditure on space missions can be regarded as “wasting” money.

Can poverty be eradicated in India?

Recent estimates show that there is a rapid decline in poverty in India….Poverty eradication in India: Successes and shortcomings of social protection.

66\% -64\% 77\%
workers lost their employment change in earnings households consuming less food than before
47\% 77\% 49\%
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Is spending on space research justifiable?

When we have so many problems and hungry people in the Earth, spending money on space is not a good choice at all. This does not merit the huge amount of money spent. Little success has been made so far on space exploration except landing on the Moon or knowing that Mars had once been a place for living being.

Can India afford spending a fortune on projects like mission to Mars?

India is a poor country, it shouldn’t waste such a huge amount of money which could have been spent elsewhere on employment, health, education and infrastructural development projects that would directly help to the growth of economy. The Mars Craft ‘Mangalyaan’ has a long journey of 300 days to complete.

Are space missions economically beneficial for India Gd?

Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India – Group Discussion.

Why is it important to eradicate poverty in India?

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Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere forms the first goal of the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda. It calls for ensuring social protection, enhancing access to basic services, and building resilience against the impacts of natural disasters which can cause severe damage to people’s resources and livelihoods.

Why is it Make in India and not made in India?

Made in India involves domestic factors of production i.e., land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship and technology, whereas Make in India is just an invitation to the foreign factors of production in form of capital, technology and investment to employ Indian labor and use the land and natural resources in India.