
Is it hard to get a prescription for Suboxone?

Is it hard to get a prescription for Suboxone?

It’s called Suboxone, but government regulations and individual doctors have made it difficult to get, which is leading many to buy it illegally. A lot of people using Suboxone for the first time don’t get it at a doctor’s office.

How do I ask my doctor for Suboxone?

If you have a primary care doctor or a psychiatrist, ask them if they prescribe Suboxone, and if not, if they can help refer you to someone who does. Many hospital systems have a special department for addiction services where you can be connected to a doctor with experience prescribing Suboxone.

Can Suboxone be prescribed by any doctor?

The change will allow almost all physicians to prescribe the addiction drug buprenorphine, regardless of whether they’ve obtained a government waiver. Previously, doctors had to undergo an eight-hour training and receive the license, known as the “X-waiver,” before they could prescribe buprenorphine.

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How can I get my doctor to prescribe Subutex?

Suboxone is available by prescription by a physician authorized to prescribe this medication by special training, and waivered by specialty certification by the DEA.

How do I start prescribing Suboxone?

At treatment initiation, the first dose of SUBOXONE sublingual film should be administered when objective signs of moderate opioid withdrawal appear, not less than six hours after the patient last used opioids.

What happens at your first doctor’s appointment for Suboxone?

At your first appointment you’ll discuss your MAT options with your provider at AppleGate Recovery and determine that Suboxone® is the right medication for you. You’ll share information about your physical health and be asked to participate in lab tests to give an overview of your internal health.

Can my doctor prescribe buprenorphine?

The new rule means nearly all doctors can prescribe buprenorphine, also called by brand name Suboxone. Previously, most doctors had to seek a special waiver and have an eight hour training to be approved to do so and now physicians can prescribe regardless of if they get that training.

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What’s the most Suboxone you can take in one day?

The recommended target dosage of SUBOXONE sublingual film during maintenance is 16 mg/4 mg buprenorphine/naloxone/day as a single daily dose. Dosages higher than 24 mg/6 mg daily have not been demonstrated to provide a clinical advantage.