
Is it okay to let my cat drink from the toilet?

Is it okay to let my cat drink from the toilet?

Is it Dangerous for Cats to Drink out of the Toilet? In most cases, it’s not really dangerous for your pet to get their water from your toilet. However, there are some exceptions. For example, there could be bacteria in the toilet bowl, which could make your cat sick.

Why do cats drink from edge of bowl?

Drinking from the edge of the bowl may help them get more water each time, and it also prevents water splashing up on their faces. It’s a very neat and clean way to drink, very much unlike a dog, who splashes water everywhere while drinking. We think this is because they like to keep their noses and whiskers dry.

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Why is my cat obsessed with the toilet flushing?

A cat may also develop the habit of drinking from the toilet as a result of play behavior. If there aren’t other forms of stimulation and environmental enrichment, the cat may develop an interest in watching the water swirl around whenever the toilet is flushed.

Why is my cat obsessed with the toilet?

Whether it is primal hunting instinct, entertainment or just wanting to be a part of things, it really doesn’t hurt anything for your cat to watch the toilet flush. Of course, any behavior that becomes obsessive (or disrupts your cat’s ability to function normally) must be brought to the attention of your veterinarian.

Why do cats come in the bathroom with you?

Cats Enjoy Routines Coming to visit you in the bathroom can become a routine your cat learns to love, especially if you give in to its pleas for attention. Your cat may also be anticipating mealtime if that’s something you do after using the bathroom in the morning.

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Why do cats not like water next to food?

Cats are biologically programmed not to drink water which is near their food or near their toileting area – this is thought to be their instinctive avoidance of contaminating their water with potential sources of bacteria.