
Is Kane good or bad?

Is Kane good or bad?

Kane, a character in The Elementalists series, is the Air source and the main antagonist for Book 2. He makes his first official appearance in Book 2, Chapter 1.

Is Kane a traitor?

Kane’s decision makes him a traitor, and given what Octavia went through in the bunker, it makes it severely unfair for Octavia to deal with it.

Who is the most annoying character in the 100?

The 100: 5 Most Loved Supporting Characters (& 5 Most Hated)

  1. 1 Hated: Finn. Finn is the first of the main delinquents to die, not making it past the middle of season two.
  2. 2 Loved: Lexa.
  3. 3 Hated: Pike.
  4. 4 Loved: Indra.
  5. 5 Hated: Sheidheda.
  6. 6 Loved: Emori.
  7. 7 Hated: Bill Cadogan.
  8. 8 Loved: Roan.

Why was Kane floated?

But then there was that Second Culling matter— Kane has a ton of blood on his hands. Kane feels pretty bad about getting to stay alive in the body of a dead kid, so he gets himself floated (that’s The 100 talk for getting launched into space without a space suit).

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Is Kane a villain?

Kane, born Glenn Thomas Jacobs, was a villain from WWE who was portrayed as the half-brother of The Undertaker (his biological father was Paul Bearer), yet unlike The Undertaker (who would often switch sides) Kane tended to remain a villain (or “heel” as they are called in the profession).

Does Kane become chancellor?

After his return to Camp Jaha, he often sided with Clarke Griffin and worked as an emissary between the Sky People and the Grounders. He was later freed after Clarke activated A.L.I.E’s kill switch. Following Pike’s death, Kane became the Chancellor of Arkadia.

Does Kane take the key?

Jaha gives him the key but Kane won’t take it. However, Jaha then holds a gun to Abby’s head which finally convinces Kane to take the chip.

Who is the most loved character in the 100?

The 100 Characters, Ranked By Likability

  • 8 John Murphy.
  • 7 Commander Lexa.
  • 6 Octavia Blake.
  • 5 Bellamy Blake.
  • 4 Clarke Griffin.
  • 3 Lincoln.
  • 2 Raven Reyes. Out of everyone, Raven had it the hardest.
  • 1 Monty Green. In a show about survival, there are very few people who can remain good.
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Is John Murphy good or bad?

John Murphy began his time on the show as an antagonist for many of the main characters. Over time, he’s grown to be one of the good guys, even a hero. Murphy doesn’t always get the spotlight for the hard decisions like Clarke Griffin has, but he’s certainly made his mark as both a villain and a hero.

Who killed Kane in the 100?

8 Marcus Kane On his death bed, Abby had him reborn using the Mind Drive in the body of a younger man named Gavin. Of course, Kane never wanted this and chose to die rather than live that way. He opted to be floated by Indra. Abby’s reaction made it much harder to deal with.

Why Paige Turco left the 100?

Last night’s episode (July 30) saw the death of Abby Griffin (Paige Turco), which left her as a host for Russell’s recently murdered wife, Simone. This all kicks off when Abby sees that Russell (JR Bourne) would happily murder Madi (Lola Flanery) in order to steal her bone marrow to create more hosts.

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What is the 100 all about?

The 100 is all about complicated characters being forced to make unfathomable decisions on a regular basis. The main characters all have blood on their hands, whether it be that of one person or that of thousands.

What does “the 100’s Grounders anymore” mean?

The key phrase is “anymore.” Over the first two seasons, The 100 humanized the Grounders to the point where they are no longer narrowly defined as enemies, killers, or a threat to our protagonists, the Arkers. We like them!

Is ‘the 100’ comfort food?

The 100 is comfort food, in some ways, for a sci-fi nerd like me. It’s ugly on the plate. It ain’t healthy. I probably shouldn’t be consuming it, but, damn, is it delicious! Some roles go through interesting arcs, some don’t.

Will Henry come back to the 100?

The Passage won’t be getting another season, so Henry could definitely return to The 100 and if the show wants him back, I’m thinking “healing” his body will be the way to do it. Are Kane and Abby going to break up? That’s the big question heading into the rest of the season.