
Is Lissandra good LoL?

Is Lissandra good LoL?

Is Lissandra Good Right Now? Ranking as the #38 Best Pick In the Mid Lane role for patch 11.24, placing it within our E-Tier Rank. A weak pick, likely in need of champion buffs, concerning difficulty, this is a moderately diffcult to play champion for new players in league of legends.

Is Lissandra good season 11?

Also empower’s the flat magic pen from Sorcerer’s Shoes with it’s \% magic resistence reduction. It has one of the best stat lines from all of the Mythic mage items and is really strong for early game. Only buy it Lissandra if there is a lot of magic resistence on the enemy team and if you have bought Sorcerer’s Shoes.

Is Lissandra a villain?

Lissandra, also known as The Ice Witch, is a villainous playable character in the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends.

Why is Lissandra so bad?

-she has a very high ap rate and low base damage to compensate, but the ap items are not giving much ap, so she’s doing a lot less damage. -the life-stealing items are very strong, so you spend a lot of mana for the guy to recover everything and few hits.

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Is Lissandra Top viable?

You can definitely play her top and mid at your rank, she bullies meele matchups quite well and can set up ganks easily. Lissandra has always been more or less viable on top-lane, but she won’t be anything like current tank Viktor top I don’t think.

Is Lissandra an AP?

This build is really good because Riot has buffed Lissandra’s AP ratios over and over to the point where she has reached assassin level burst.

Is Lissandra a mid or top?

This is my 15th guide so feedback is appreciated! Lissandra is a CC burst mage with excellent initiation and laning capabilities. This guide will cover her role in the top lane and mid. As mentioned, Lissandra has amazing CC abilities.

How old is Lissandra?

between around 9000 and 10000 years old
Based on the timeline in Realms of Runeterra, Lissandra is between around 9000 and 10000 years old.

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Is Lissandra a hero?

A hero is anyone who answers the call to do what must be done. They sacrifice so much because of a singular truth: this fragile world requires protection. This means everything to Lissandra, who rarely rests, especially not on nights like tonight, when stars align in strange ways.